Friday 25 September 2015

Royal Melbourne Show

Ok so yesterday I went to the royal Melbourne show and it went really good. I am not trying to brag or anything but I just want to share my excitement with you. Of-course I got 3 show bags if you don't know what a show bag is it is a bag full of things on one topic for example I got the Dolly magazine show bag it came with 3 magazines and samples of make-up, skin and face care and I also got Girlfriend witch was similar to Dolly. You cant go to the show without getting a lolly or chocolate show bag so I got the Milky Way show bag.  Since I have braces I couldn't eat some of the food at the show but that didn't stop me. I went on many different rides including the: breakdance, cha-cha, rock n roll and techno jump at least 2 times each. I brought a very pretty blue and white dream catcher and a very big minion hammer to bash my brother up with { jokes }

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Update/thank you

Ok so I'm just testing out some new things on my blog like a new font and a coloured writing stuff like that. Thank you guys and girls so much cause we are currently on 176 views so thank you for listening to what I have to say. I'm going to do some advice blogs very soon. Tomorrow  I'm going to the royal Melbourne show in Melbourne Australia I'm so excited and Fridays blog is going to be all about the Melbourne show. Thanks for reading and I will be back with another blog on Friday bye

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Yay the hoildays

ok so today was the last day of this term and now I'm on vacation or holidays I'm just so exited to really  focus on this blog and spend so time with my friends and as well just the little stuff like sleeping in and going for late night walks along the beach so yea sunday nights blog will be a 'proper' blog but I just also wanted to say thankyou because last week on sunday night I had 158 people looking at my blog and lisining to what I have too say and if it gets  up in the mean time just welcome to any new readers and I cant think of any other words to say except for thank you

Sunday 13 September 2015

D.I.Ys with emma

{ok so I don't have a picture of the tie dye tee-shirt that I made but I will get some pictures of the internet}
D.I.Y tie dye shirts
what you will need ;
Dyes of any colours of your choice
rubber/elastic bands
a white tee shirt
cling or glad wrap
ok so the first step you need to do is with the rubber bands do any designs that you want you could just wing it or look up designs on the internet. After you have got your design then place all of the rubber bands where they are needed too be. Put some rubber bands around the whole tee shirt. After all the rubber bands have been placed you can start putting on the dye; put the dye wherever you want   you could have a pattern or just random dyes everywhere. After all the dye has been place cover the whole tee shirt in cling wrap and leave it out in the sun between 6 and 8 hours. After the shirt has been in the sun take all of the rubber bands off and just rinse it in a bucket with cold water. Wash it by itself and maybe for the next few washes because any extra dye will come off and stain the cloths if it shirts is washed with any other cloths

Wednesday 9 September 2015

D.I.Ys with Emma

D.I.Y creations: Quotes board and mode board What you will need: a cork-board { if you don't have a cork board use a spare wall in your room} blue tack { for a wall} and push pins { for a cork-board}
For the quote board print of pictures or draw pictures of your favourite quotes and messages Mood Board I don't have a mood board but if I do I would suggest to put drawings, pictures, quotes, and anything that you are loving that month

Sunday 6 September 2015

D.I.Y with Emma

D.I.Y- Candle set up and vintage tray For the candle set up you will need candles, candle holder, a tray, a lantern and a fake flower and then I will have a photo with how I set it up but you can set it up anyway you want to
For the vintage tray you will need a vintage tray, an old cup, a small vase, fake flowers and a little orderment and I also did a different design just to give you ideas

D.I.Ys with Emma

D.I.Y- Flower vase and top self decorations For the flower vase all you need is fake flowers, dried up roses or/an leaves oh and also a vase. Just put all of your flowers/leaves into the vase and you have your flower and leaf vase
Top self decorations- all you need is some colourful vases, 1 bunch of fake flowers and any other decorations you want!
Im sorry if the pictures for my D.I.Ys aren't the best