Sunday 29 October 2017

Joe Weller and KSI fight press conference

Hey Chickens,
I know this happened like about a month ago but I've just been watching back Joe Wellers video and I felt like I needed to put this out there.
Before I start, I have never really been a fan of KSI so maybe because I'm a fan of Joe Weller I see Joe in the right but honestly this is how I see it and I really just want to get this out there because what KSI said really annoyed me.

This part was what really annoyed me and it was when KSI called Joe unstable and that he needs antidepressants to stay sane. Then he proceed to say, are you getting depressed. 
Mental Health, effects so many people and you can't call someone unstable because they have mental health. Being depressed is not being unstable, some people have depression from something happening and some people have depression because the wiring in their brain is just different but that does not mean they are unstable. 
Antidepressants help people living with depression to be able to live their everyday lives without having to force themselves to try and live their life without struggle. Any mental health that requires prescription medication does not mean that they need it to stay sane, like that is so messed up to say.

Also Joe Weller, did call KSI 20 stone, and look, I don't like or agree with body shaming like not all of us are sticks and skinny but I personally see that comment directed at KSI.
Also in KSI response video, he basically goes on about how he hates Joe Weller and his music and his channel but KSI goes on to mention that his fans are delusional, now, this really annoyed me because what does Joe Wellers fans have to do with your beef, like don't be calling me delusional.

My main problem with this press conference is KSI talking shit about mental health. Like, people do not chose to have mental health, like you don't press a button that says I want to have depression, I want to have anxiety. I do think that mental health is made to look like a beautiful thing on social media and I don't agree with that, like depression is not a fun thing, like I have a friend who has mild depression and some days he is so happy and energetic and other days he'll just look so sad and he loses that fun sense to him.

Anyway, look this is all in the moment what I am writing so I hope I didn't upset any of you, leave your opinion down in the comments below and yeah.
I love you all so much, I hope you're all doing great. Tomorrow nights blogpost is going to be a makeup look so be on the look out for that. Bye
Em blogs signing off

Saturday 28 October 2017

#trickortreatwithemblogs Halloween movies

Hey Chickens,
So tonights blogpost is going to be like things for you to watch on Halloween, because I know what I'm going to do on Halloween is get a big bowl of popcorn, curl up with a cosy blanket and watch some horror movies. I'm not going to really list things to watch, this is more like a guide of things to watch. Enjoy

The Conjuring 2, the first one, honestly I was bored but the second movie was a different story, it honestly scared the shit out of me.

Friday the 13th, this movie, scary, scary, scary

Paranormal Activity, do not waste your time watching the other like a thousand because they are really boring and nothing really happens apart from a camera switching between rooms but the first one scared me so much, like it freaked me out

I know what you did last Summer is the dodgey movie ever but like it's still a good movie to watch 

Scream 1,2, 3 and 4 are just amazing like I love the Scream movies so much

South Park- especially the episode 'A Nightmare on Facetime'. This show is so funny, like it can be really inappropriate but it can still me so funny. 

Shaun of the Dead is a classic, funny, stupid, take the piss zombie movie which I love

The Nightmare before Christmas is like actually the best movie, I love watching it, it has singing, it has a cute ghost dog and most of all, it doubles up as a Christmas movie, so how can you go wrong.

Any Scooby- Doo movies. They are probaly the most scaaryist things I'll ever see, like Annabelle who.

Meet the Robinsons, there is nothing else to say, I love this movie with all my heart and it deserves to have all the fame and fortune 

Hocus Pocus, again nothing else to say, it's a classic

These are not all the movies that you could watch at Halloween but I couldn't fit all of them into one blogpost but also there are some shit movies and it is all to do with preference. These are just some that I have chosen but if you want me to do more of these like every few months on movies that I like and have been enjoying be sure to tell me.
Sadly, our time has come to an end. Thank-you all so much for reading this blogpost, I hoped you enjoyed it and maybe you have gotten some ideas for movies to watch on Halloween or around this time. I'm sorry I didn't post last night, I just ran our of time because it was kinda chaotic. I love you all to Venus and back but until next time, bye
Em blogs signing off

Thursday 26 October 2017

#trickortreatwithemblogs Cheap, quick and easy Halloween costumes

Hey Chickens,
So like I have just finished watching Stranger Things season 1 and oh my god, it is so good, I so recommend watching it. Also like right now, I have homework that needs to be done, but you know, Science homework or a fun Halloween blogpost, I know which one I prefer.
This blogpost is going to be costume ideas that are last minute and cheap for this Halloween.

These items are all from Kmart, just so you know.
Base of the Outfits-
Your going to need a base and this works for all the different ideas and that is...
It's called the Hooded Cape, it's black and costs $5 

Outfit 1: Ghostface from Scream-
From Kmart there is a mask called the Spooky Mask which is $1 and basically it's a Ghostface mask but I guess that Kmart don't have the rights to it or something. 
All you need is the mask, the cape and some black boots or just any black shoes really and bomb your Ghostface.

Outfit 2: The Devil-
I know this is a very generic costume but I thought I would add this in because you know, why not.
At Kmart they have a pitchfork which is just $2, put it with the cape, maybe do some makeup if you want or get some devil horns and your the devil, just right there.

Outfit 3: A Zombie-
I did a whole blogpost on this last year but bascially all you need is some old clothes, rip them up, cut them, get some dirt in them basically just rough them up and Kmart has a tube of fake blood and all you do is just pour that all over your clothes. Another thing you can use instead of fake blood is red lipstick and you smudge it and you can use matte dark brown and black eyeshadows

Outfit 4: The Grim Reaper-
Again, same with the Devil outfit there is like the stick that the Grim Reaper has for $2, you can do some makeup for it but I looked him up and he doesn't really have a face, like it is just black or bones so if your feeling creative, go right ahead.

Outfit 5: Vampire-
All you need for this is the cape, fake blood, I couldn't find any on the Kmart website but you can get vampire pointy teeth. This is mainly up to your creativity for the makeup side of things, but to help you with this, I actually have a vampire makeup look that I'm going to do this weekend so keep on eye out for that.

I tried to keep this blogpost as affordable as possible, I think I kept it under $10 which, isn't too unreasonable. Like I said, I will be having a follow up to this post on a vampire makeup look, I may even do a devil and zombie one yet, I'm not to sure.
I love you all so much, I hope you have been enjoying these posts, I know I have. If you have decided to use any of these ideas for Halloween be sure to tag me or sent them to me on Instagram so I can see how you all did your costumes. I love you all so much and I'll see you tomorrow night, bye
Em Blogs signing off

Wednesday 25 October 2017

#trickortreatwithemblogs Stranger Things- Halloween films part 1

Hey Chickens,
Tonight's blogpost is going to be kind of like a part one to my Halloween films blogpost but I thought this is a t.v show so you know, I'll make like a part one about it. I'm pretty sure on Friday that Stranger Things Season 2 is actually coming out on Netflix, I'm not to sure about that but I know that it's sometime this week.

Basically, if you are like me and decided to watch it like over a year since it came out then hey. 
The story-line from what I can gather is about 3 boys whos friend goes missing and there is some sketchy Government testing thing going on. Basically, I've only watched the first 4 episodes I think it is and honestly, it's so good. I do suggest watching it because, its only 8 hours in total and it's amazing and there are some pretty hot guys in it if you ask me.
Like, the guy who plays Jonathan who my god, the first time I saw him on the screen I was shocked because, in my opinion he is so hot.
This show is like a sci-fi creepy kinda show, so I think that it's perfect for the Halloween festive time.

Sorry that this blogpost is really short, it was a part one because I wanted to separate the films from the tv show. It makes sense in my head.
I love you all so much, I hope your all doing great. I hope you enjoyed this post, again I'm sorry that it was really short, but at least it's something. I'm actually really excited about doing this week of Halloween blogposts because I've got some good ones. Anyway, love you all so much and see you tomorrow night
Em blogs signing off 

Tuesday 24 October 2017

A week of blogposts leading up to Halloween ?! Halloween books

Hey Chickens,
This blogpost is going to be like two things. Part of it will be explaining what I will be doing for the next week and the second half is going to be books that I think would be good for reading around Halloween. Also the Walking Dead Season 8 premiere was actually amazing. 

I've decided that it's a week until Halloween and I have a few ideas and blogposts that I want to do for Halloween and that means, I will be doing a week of blogposts leading up to Halloween. 
If you have been reading my blog since last year, you would know that last October I tried to do 31 days of blogposts called #trickortreatwithemblogs and I'm bringing that back.

The first post I'll be starting with are spooky books to read for Halloween!
Some of these I have read, some I haven't but I really want to.

1) Coraline by Neil Gaiman 
2) Any Stephen King books
3) The Red Eye series 
4) Eglantine/Allys ghost hunters series by Catherine Jinks
5) The Vanishings by Michael Panckridge 
6) The Twits by Roald Dahl

Those are all the books that I've chosen to be on my Halloween 2017 book list. I may not seem that many but there are like 8 or 9 books in the Red Eye series, the Catherine Jinks books, there are 4 in them, I honestly don't even know how many Stephen King books there are

I'm not going to be doing my normal outro today because I feel like a change. I hope you are looking forward to a whole week of blogposts, I know I am because I've got some goodies up my sleeve. I love you all so much and I'll see you tomorrow, bye
Em blogs signing off 

Saturday 14 October 2017


Now, don't you all just hate it when you finally think you are part of a friendship group but then it all goes to shit.
I thought I was part of a solid friendship group until those bitches just completely turned their back on me. They act like they are my friend but they don't care about me, they don't care at all, I'm just the one who is there.

A couple of weeks ago basically everyone in this group was invited and went to this gathering and then all the girls that went stayed over that night. I was not invited to this and honestly, I was really fucking pissed off because I thought I was their friend. Then they have this group chat that everyone is in and guess what, I'm not in it. Also they have been planning stuff for Halloween and I haven't been added to the group chat about that are been asked to come. Also nobody ever asks me to go do something or have a sleepover.

Honestly I do find this upsetting because I've helped them all at different times and nobody ever thinks to mention me and they all talk about everything openly around me and I'm never invited or asked to do anything.

I will be honest here, I do sometimes email Headspace about things when I just don't feel happy or good so I will probably end up emailing them about this because I don't know what to do. I thought I had best friends but I do not want to be friends with people who don't care about me and just think that I'm 'there'. 
Also another bit of information, tonight two of my 'friends' are having a sleepover and they put on social media wish you were here to another friend that is in the group and these are the girls that are being mention so I was just ignored.

I've just had a shower and I've decided what I'm going to do. I'm going to lose my streaks with the people in the group, not talk to them as much and make myself a bit distance and hang out with other friends that I have because I do not want to be hanging out with people who are just being an asshole to you.

This isn't a proper blogpost set up and I know I've had swear words in it, I do swear in real life and I'm just really annoyed because I thought these people were my friends

Kmart Haul

Hey Chickens,
I've actually been waiting for like ages to do this haul because basically I had the stuff I had brought but then I was going to Kmart like a week later so I thought I'll just wait and add that stuff into the haul but I'm finally getting it up. If you were wondering, yes I am going to be doing Halloween posts this year, I've actually just finished trying out a new Halloween makeup look so yeah. Anyway, lets get started.

First I thought I would treat myself to some new makeup brushes and these ones I find so pretty, they are so soft and I love them. I'm not to sure what the set is called but I know they are by BYS.

Then I also brought three E.L.F brushes and I just love E.L.F brushes, they are so cheap but they are so good. I got the eye crease brush, smudge brush and the eyeshadow brush.
I got a standard beauty mirror from Kmart, it has two sides one normal and one magnified. I did have to put it together though and it actually took me like twenty minutes to put three things together.
I also needed a new primer so I thought I would try this one and the matching eye primer and for a cheap product, they are both pretty good.
 I also wanted to try the Maybelline Fit Me concealer because I've heard so many good things about it and I got it in the shade Fair I think.

I got the standard makeup remover and makeup remover pads. I always suggest to get the large ones because they are better and I love the Australian Pure makeup be gone makeup remover, it's so good for sensitive skin
I got two Australis metallix eyeshadows (I think that's what they are called) and I actually have no idea what shade they are in.

I got this contour palette from Maybelline, and honestly these are so pigmented, I love these colours and it is a nice palette. Also I always say get your makeup from Kmart not Priceline because Kmart is a couple bucks cheaper like this platte, $20 at Priceline, $15 at Kmart.
I got this pair of pjs, and I don't really need anymore pjs but I thought these were really cute and they are also really comfortable.
I also got this dress that I thought would be so pretty for Summer because just look at, like I just find it so pretty and it looks really nice.
I normally don't start buying things like Calendars until later in the year but I saw this and I needed to get it because I loved it. It's a 2018 diary but it's like a calendar set up inside.
Last but not least I just got a Nivea Repair and Protect lip balm and a rose gold pen cup.

 I am in no way, shape or form trying to brag or anything, I had been saving for ages to get everything here, I paid for it all myself and I overall just wanted to share with you guys what I had brought. Tonight I'm also having a rant type blogpost going up and that is not a proper blogpost I just wanted to tell you guys about my bitchy friends.

Sadly, our time has come to an end. Thank-you all so much for reading this post, I hope you all enjoyed seeing what I brought. Again, I'm not trying to brag, it's all in good ideas. Hopefully you did enjoyed this post, if you didn't, let me know. I love you all to Pluto and back but until next time, bye
Em blogs signing off

Saturday 7 October 2017


Hey Chickens,
Now, I know I've been really sporadic with my blogposts and like I've been saying that I'm going to be posting a blogpost for the past week (which is my Kmart Haul and that will be hopefully going up next weekend) and I don't post it. 

Recently I have had plenty of ideas for blogposts but I need to fall back in love with blogging and writing for you guys, so I've decided I'm not going to be putting pressure on myself to upload, I'll just take it as it comes and I'm going to start from there because I don't want to be saying on my Instagram, new blogpost tomorrow night then no blogpost so I think I need to stop making myself feel obligated to post and then I'll probably want to be posting and have the passion for blogging again. 
I will still be posting regularly on my Instagram- @em_blogs

To help with this, I am going to be rejuvenating my blog look and my blog set-up because I've had this same look for a while and I feel like a change and change is good every now and then.

Sadly, our time has come to an end. Thank-you all so much for reading this post, I hope you all understand what I am doing and I will still post but maybe like once a fortnight. I hoped you enjoyed this post even though there wasn't much to enough. I love you all to Venus and back but until next time, bye
Em blogs signing off