Saturday 31 October 2015

October Favourites

1. Colouring books
2. Magazines/reading
3. Halloween
4. Horoscopes
5. Music/Spotify
6. Instagram
7. Grey flower flats, from Kmart
8. Aqua singlet, from Kmart
9. Basketball shorts/sport shorts, from Kmart
11. Candles
12. Dream catchers

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Just a little massage :]

Ok so always remember you are beautiful. You shouldn't have to change anything about yourself for other people. Always head forward in life as much as you can. If somebody judges you don't take it personal think about like you could improve they way you did something, but if you were happy with the way you did it don't change it. Last week I had some words said to me. I was really upset, a few of the boys in my year level made sure I was mostly ok but I decided to take those words home and thinks of ways to resolve it. Always be yourself, love yourself and enjoy life as much as you can

Monday 26 October 2015

Hurting My Thumb

ok so the other night me and my 17 teen year old brother made a deal that if I could hit him it's one of those blow up hammers that he would give me $10 dollar but he had a rolling pin. When I went to go hit my brother I smash my thumb into the rolling pin and my brother didn't move at all. After 5 minutes had passed and my thumb was already bruised.

Sunday 25 October 2015

Please remember these 3 things

ok so I just wanted to share with you guys and girls 3 moto type things l like to think about.
It's just simply fake it till you make it. If your in a situation that you don't want to be in just fake a smile or something like that but don't always fake things.
Don't chase someone when your the catch. Don't go chasing after people because if you have to chase after someone do they really deserve to be in your life? Just think about.
Never give up on your dreams. If you have a dream and someone in your life doesn't approve that dream don't give up keep that dream close until you achieve it.
I hope that today,tomorrow and always you remember 3 motos that you live by. I have about 10 different ones but I though I would share 3 of them with you. Love yourself, be yourself.
Love you all-Emma

Saturday 24 October 2015

I need to explain myself

Last night I'm very sorry there was no blog. I was quite tired and had to go to the shops. Sunday night will be a colouring in blog and yea so I'm super sorry and next week I will have proper blogs hopefully. Lots of love Emma

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Being sick and sorry

Ok so first of all I'm really sorry that I didn't upload Monday it has really hot were I live and I I'm sick at the moment and don't have a lot of energy. I hope you understand because we have all have been sick and knows what it feels like to not have much energy. If I don't upload sometimes it's for a fair reason.
Love you lots Emma

Sunday 18 October 2015

Halloween Decoratons D.I.Ys

Ok so all of the products from D.I.Y are from Woolworths, the reject shop, 2 dollar shops and Kmart.
Always remember too look around your house for things because you don't always have to buy things.
Punkin Patch 

Friday 16 October 2015

Yes the weekend

ok so this week at school has been very exhausting. Today was the day I decide to get my Halloween decorations and decorate my room so that's what I did then I did some colouring in then watched to episodes of buffy the vampire slayer and tomorrow I have a friends birthday party so yea sorry this blog is very late and not very exciting I will be posting photos most days on my Instagram account

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Joe Sugg and Caspar Lee are coming to Australia !!!!!!

Ok so 2 of my favourite youtubers are coming down under for a little tour around Australia. Joe sugg and Caspar lee are coming to Sydney and Melbourne on November 7 and 8 and the tickets go on sale tomorrow at 12:00 o clock so I'm hoping that my mum can get the tickets.

This blog is not promoted or sponsed  

Monday 12 October 2015

ive been blogging for 4 months?!

Ok so I started this blog in July 2015 and realised that I've been blogging for only 4 months and had 230 views on my blog. Thank you so much for all the support and if I don't upload my blog on the day that I will upload it I mite have just forgot or I was tired or busy but I will  be very active on my Instagram { em_blogs}and yea. Also I just want to thank youuber Zoella because she ' tagged' me in a comment and asked me and about 4 other people o like one of her photos and leave a comment and I was very excited because Zoella is one of my favourite youtubers.

Sunday 11 October 2015

First Week Back At School And Instagram

My first week back at school was good I mean the weather was very warm all week but apart from that  it was great. We didn't have any troubles in my friendship group we didn't have any homework and are school work wasn't super hard so this week was in my favour.
If you don't like school
And if you do like school then your just a pretty bunch of flowers
My Instagram account 
So if you want to follow me on Instagram then here's my account name- Em_blogs and I will hopefully like most of your photos and follow back as many of you as I can 
Change in the blog timetable
So  Monday's, Friday's, and Wednesday's blogs are going to just be little updates and what I'm doing at school and home just stuff like that

Saturday 10 October 2015

How far can you take the truth

Ok so teachers an adults always not to lie and tell the truth but sometimes telling the truth can hurt your friends and peers. If you always tell the truth it's not going to always have the best outcome for example if a friend ask your if you there hair is looking good today and it doesn't look the best sometimes the best way to reacte is to say it looks good. I'm not saying always lie and that lieing is ok I'm just trying to say that you can't always tell the truth

Thursday 8 October 2015

To much homework No problem

So if you have to much homework and not enough time then here are 3 tips for your homework troubles
Tip 1. Space it out
You may have to much homework but if you plan it out over the nights or days you have then it will make it more easier to complete your homework
Tip 2. If you have trouble with a subject
If there is a subject in school that you get for homework you can always ask for help from the teacher of the subject, your parents, any trusted adult or from an older sibling 
Tip 3. If you stuck for ideas
If you have to write an essa, any piece of writing or a project and your stuck for ideas then you don't have to stress about an idea you can ask a friend, teacher, parent, trusted adult, sibling or even books can help. Always remember don't try and stress to much about school work and homework 

Monday 5 October 2015

When you and a friend arn't as close

Every-one is loved by certain people for certain reason but sometimes when we get older feelings can change and that's perfectly normal. I'm here to help you with any of your friendship troubles.

Situation 1. You and your friend arnt talking 
Well try the ' face to face', just ask to talk to your friend for a minute privately don't get in his or hers grill and talk to them and if they won't talk to you speak at them in a kind way and address the problem.
Situation 2 You and your friend arnt as close
Well when you get older feelings change and things happen and its normal. What's not healthy is to stay very close with a friend for your whole life because you meet lots of people and lots of things happen but remember it's not the end of the world if you and your best friend are not as close. If it is creating worrie because you and a friend are not talking or not as close tell an adult that you trust as sone as possible 

Sunday 4 October 2015

Tea party plans and new bands

Ok so if you have a birthday or celebration coming up in the future I've got a few ideas cheap cute and cool ideas for a tea party or decoration for a event. Try and buy decorations cheap from Kmart or Woolworths and also try finding what you have at home and make things. With food only buy a few things or don't buy anything just use the food that you have at home. You can always get help from other people to set up or help with the payment something like that. Less is more sometimes if you put more effort and time with less decoration can be more because if you put in enough effort that you can feel have much effort you have put in.

New bands. Ok so the other day I went to the dentist and I got new bands for my braces. I got orange but what I didn't realise that the bands on the back of my teeth were not going to change so now I have aqua and orange bands and in 4 weeks time then I have my next appointment I'm getting  my wires changed and if you haven't had braces then getting your wires change isn't exactly a walk in the parks