Sunday 28 February 2016

Liebster Award

 Hey Chickens,
so about 2 weeks ago I got chosen for the Liebster award by so thank-you very much for the questions and nominating me! for the questions, go on her blog to see what questions that I'm answering. I started back in July of 2015 I think it was the 7 when I posted my first post and I started my blog because I didn't have a hobby and blogging was just cool!
 2. I would either go to Europe or America; Texas, L.A, New York,
3. Mascara, because it only takes a few minutes to put on and it makes my eyelashes look good!
4. well, I don't really like this about myself, but most people do like this. I cant stay angrey for long, ill be annoyed for like 1 hour than ill feel bad, so yeah
5.ill be 17 so maybe ill still be at school, have a part-time job and yeah.
6. simple, unique and different
7. um blogging, sleeping, reading, colour in, in my spare time just chilling
8. flats
9. don't think that you have to be the same as other bloggers, just do your thing.
10.eggs, I love eggs a lot
so thanks for reading, remember to go check out her blog and the questions that I was answering.
insagram- em_blogs
so ill see you all later with another blog and I love you all very much and thanks for your support.

Sunday 21 February 2016

Q&A (again)

hey chickens,
so I've decided every month I'm going to do a Q&A so here we go for February.
Yes I do have pets, I have one cat and one dog (Jack-Russell). yes I have one older brother by 5 years. um my favourite colour would have to be aqua/mint or purple. well I have a lot just to name a few: Leonardo Dicapro, Zac Efron, Josh Hucherson.
um my fans, yeah my fans inspire me, other bloggers, but its a bit of a hard question. well I just liked the idea of blogging, like its not a video, its writing for the world.
my best memories would probably have to be when I was about 4, and I don't know about every year I have at least one good memories, but last year it would probably be graduation and my year 6 disco.. if I had 2 wishes, probably to meet everyone that reads my blog/internet friends, and for people to RESPECT the homeless.
Thanks for the questions, and there will be another Q&A in March.
I love you all so so much and ill see you soon with another blog, byyyyye, and your support means the world to me!
My Links (shameless self promo)
Instagram- em_blogs
Please also go follow these girls on Instagram their such nice people!

Saturday 20 February 2016

Celebrity crushes

Hey my chickens,
So we all have celebritie crushes but I thought I might share one of them with you...
So one of my celebrities crushes is Leonorado Deicapro
So I love his movies just to name a few:titanic, shutter island and revenet, but there is so many more!
So I originally watch the titanic, and fell in love with the young Leo.
So now he is one of my celebrity crushes.
Comment down below one of your celebrity crushes.
Thanks for reading and thank-you all so much for the support and 245 follows on my insagram in a week, I'm so proud of each and every one of you! And 1204 views on my blog, it's insane, but I love you all super duper much and I'll see you soon with another blog!
My links
Insagram- em_blogs

Wednesday 17 February 2016


Hey my little chickens,
so I've been thinking about my YouTube channel and I've decided to take a break from youtube. my insagram and blog will still be the same. ill start posting videos very soon but I need to take a break, gather some ideas and the quality of the videos. I hope you understand on again the blog will be the same the insagram will be the same so yeah. I love you all very much and I hope you understand and ill see you soon with another blog soon byyyye
Instagram- em_blogs
youtube- Em blogs

Name for you guys?!?!?!?!

So I've decided to give you guys a name. not to like label you but I was going on the conecton line, hopefully you get what I mean.
so your name is......
I hope you like it, the name chicken kind-of has a connection with me, so I hope you like it and please do comment down below if you like it and ill be starting my blog post with
Hey my little chickens
thankyou for reading and I love you all very much and your support is awesome and ill see you later byyye
Insagram- em_blogs
YouTube- Em blogs

Monday 15 February 2016

instagram got hacked

so on Thursday my Instagram got hacked.
I've decided that I'm not going to try and fight it, I'm going to accepted it.
my new Instagram is em_blogs so I'm following everyone back, please follow me and yeah.
thank you all so much for like 164 follows in a few days
I love you all so much thanks for the support and Ill see you all later byyye
PS- I'm writing this up on the 14 of February (valentines day) so yeah if things change yeah.
Insagram- em_blogs
YouTube- Em blogs

Sunday 14 February 2016

Valentines day

So hey guys
If you didn't already know today is valentines day, so happy valentines day. if you have a boyfriend/and or girlfriend hope you had/have a great day, if you don't have boyfriend/and or girlfriend (like me) then heres some ways that you can have a fun valentines day without a girl or boy. so you can buy yourself teddy bears and chocolates (I did don't judge me) and my mum did also buy me a teddy bear. but during the day do what makes you happy. during the night have a spa at home, watch your favourite movie, for tea have your favourite food. just love yourself, have fun and today do what really does make you happy. so I love you guys, hope you have a fantastic day and I love you  all so much and thanks so much for 1155 views, it seems like every 'holiday' I get something of you: Christmas, new years and now valentines day.
Instagram- em_blogs
YouTube- Em blogs
PS- do you like the pictures I took for valentines day

Monday 8 February 2016

What if homework......

Now we all have homework, but if every time we wrote a word our homework would give us a dollar. Just think about if put, because if you have a 1,000 word essay than that's a thousand dollars. But sadly that's not how homework works. But I can always dream, and homework will always be boring. Now let's talk about favourite teachers, I have a lot of teachers and my favourite teacher is my maths and science teacher, I won't say his name for privacy reasons but he is so fun, he will play fun maths games half way though the lesson and he doesn't except us to write down a whole board of writing in 5 minutes. But yeah so I love you guys sooo much and I'll see you sometimes soon with another blog

Friday 5 February 2016


Now we all experience stress. either in day to day life or events/activites. now stress can come from anything like friends, actions, events, activites, things not being neat, like really anything. But what we need to learn is too how to deal with stress. I do sometimes find it hard to deal with stress because it honestly all depends on the situation. For example if I was running late for the bus but I would still catch , I wouldn't stop stressing until I was on the bus. What about you? Do you get stressed easily and how offend, comment down below or on my insta