Tuesday 31 January 2017

School 2017

Hello Chickens,
So I know I said in my last post that I would be uploaded more posts from then but I didn't know that from then I would be so busy with just life. But school has started now so my life will become a little less busy (because the holidays are over) but still kinda busy (because of homework). But this is just going to be a anything post, so yeah.

Now, I know that all the Aussie kids are starting school sometime this week. I'm actually starting tomorrow which I am not looking forward to. I loved doing all the organisation with my books but now it's just kinda hit me that I'm starting school for 2017 tomorrow. I'm quite nervous and a bit anxious to go back and I have no idea why. Like I just feel really uneasy about going but anyway.
In other news, my laptop should be be getting fixed this week so once that is all fixed up I can do way more blogpost because I find it really hard to do them on my iPhone or iPad.
Also, now is anyone else with me on this. Why are Easter eggs already in the shops, like I love Easter, it's an excuse to eat chocolate all day and not have to worry about it but come on, like it's the end of January (basically the start of February) is it that nessaary.

I know there will be a few of you reading this that are going into year 7 and probably feeling really nervous. Look, I've been and done that last year but I'm just going to give you a word of advice and this goes to anyone who has already started school or going to start soon, just take a deep breath and calm down. After that don't think of the worst that could happen. I always do that when there is something that could go wrong and to be honest it's stupid because 200% of the time, it never happens. Also remember to have some fun with your friends.

I didn't even noticed this until the other day but thank you all so flipping much for 1,496 Instagram followers, like honestly that is a hell of a lot of people and it's kinda overwhelming to think that amount of people want to follow me on Instagram. 3,993 like that is how many views I have for my blog, like almost 4 thousand people have looked at my blog and to be honest that is an insane amount of people.

Sadly, our time had come to an end. Thanks so much for reading this short post, thanks for the support. Sorry for the short post but whenever you guys have/are starting school please don't stress to much. I love you all to Pluto and back but until next time bye,
Em blogs signing off
Good luck for school

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Have you ever wondered.....History

Hey chickens,
So you are probably thinking, what are you talking about Emma. What's wrong with history? Well, I don't know if this have ever come across your mind when you are in history class at school but sometimes I think, where do they get this from. Now, this is probably me just being dumb and stupid but it's also in the back of my mind at the same time.

I know they have old artefacts from specific times of history but something seems fishy. Like how do scientists know that this happened in that exact sequence without any witnesses. I mean, you look at it these days, someone tells a story and it gets passed on but through being passed on things get left and and things get added in. So, how do sources know that certain things happened thousands of years ago. For example, dinosaurs. They are so cool but there are pictures of what dinosaurs look like and I know that there are bones but if you compare what some dinosaurs look like to a crocodile, they look nothing alike. A typical dinosaur looks massive and power (and yes, crocodiles are quite powerful) but crocodiles are simple compared to a dinosaur. When all the dinosaurs died, only one survived but how did JUST the crocodiles survive. I went it to detail about this for about an hour thinking. You could say that they lived in the water but apparently a fair few dinosaurs lived in water so why didn't they survive. How people lived is also an example. I've also been wondereding this but how the hell we got here and how animals got here. I do know that scientists say that humans evolved from apes but would there be no apes because they all evolved into humans. Animals, I have no explanation for them, they couldn't really of evolved from anything but yeah.

Comment down below what your thoughts are on this because I spent hours trying to wrap my mind around all of these things. And I am interested in what your thoughts are on this or if you have any other examples.
Sadly, our time has come to an end. Thanks so much for reading this new Have You Ever Wondered. Thank you for your amazing fantastic support, it means a lot to me. There will be more blogposts coming out within these next few weeks and sorry again for my like a week 'off'. I do hope you enjoyed this post, maybe it even got you thinking. I love you all to Jupiter and back but until next time, bye
Em blogs signing off

Saturday 21 January 2017

I'm back..... (I've used this title 1 too many times)

Hey chickens,
So this is just going to be a little post explaining about why I haven't been active on my blog these past few weeks and my Instagram. I do have 3 blogpost that will be going up within these next few days and one of those will be my 'What I got for Christmas 2016', like I'm going to finally get this up after like 4 weeks of saying I'm going to get it up when I haven't.

These past say 2 weeks I have taken off blogging. Now, I never intended to not blog but I just wasn't very motivated and from my point of view, I thought it would be better to take the time to get ideas, feel motivated and actually put effort into my posts. So after getting motivated, I thought right, I'm going to come back with some good posts that hopefully you guys will like. When I finally get my What I got for Christmas 2016 post up (which will hopefully be tomorrow if everything goes to plan) it will feel great because I've known that I want it to get up but I keep putting it off. What I might do is wait until I get my laptop back to do it because it's easier to use pictures in a blogpost on a computer than a phone but we'll see.
Now just to update you in my life. I'm currently on Summer holidays, have been for ages now. I've seen Rouge One (the newest Star Wars movie) which was amazing, I loved it. I've also seen The Edge of Seventeen, and I loved that movie as well. Even know I'm not Seventeen (I'm 13) but everything in that movie is so relatable about being a teenager. I also got (after plenty of time searching for it) the limited edition Shane Walsh pop vinyl. If you didn't know, Shane was a character in season 1 and 2 of The Walking Dead (also I'm not going to count this as a spoiler because those seasons were out years ago).

Sadly, our time has come to an end. Thanks so much for reading this post and for the support. Also thanks for not unfollowing me on Instagram or anything while I haven't been to active. Just remember, anything you do means so flipping much to me. I love you all to Pluto and back but until next time, bye.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

5 ways to stay cool this summer

Hey chickens,
So yes, this post was meant to go up last night but I got distracted and watched Scream (which is a really good movie) and I thought it was too late to post it so I'm going to post it in the morning for last night and there will be another post tonight. Hopefully that all made sense. Now, because it is summer and it's hot, we all want to stay cool right (or maybe that is just me) but I thought I would share 5 ideas that I came up with to stay nice and cold in summer. Anyway, let's get started.

1- Go to the beach
Now, if you live in an area that has a beach, go to it. You have water, you have sand and you have the sun, everything you need for a hot summers day.
2- Dump a bucket of cold water over your head
Go to some type of tap with a bucket and fill it up cold water. Go outside and pour it over you head. I'm 99% sure that you will instantly be freezing cold.
3- Go to a pool
If you have a pool yourself or if there is a pool in your area, go to it. You can cool off while have a nice swim.
4- Have a cold shower
Nothing is easier then having a cold shower. I mean it may not be the nicest thing in the world but at least you will probably cool off.
5- Stay inside... with air conditioning or a fan
And last but not least, stay inside with a air condition or fan. It's really easy to do and it's a good way to stay cold, all day long.

Sadly, our time has come to an end. Thank-you for reading this blogpost and for your support, it means a lot to me. If you are on summer holidays, hopefully you are enjoying them and I also hope you enjoyed this post. I love you all to Venus and back but until next time, bye
Em blogs signing off

Sunday 8 January 2017

2017 blog timetable and content

Hey chickens,
So this blogpost is going to be like a starting point I guess you could say for my blog in 2017. I'm just going to explain what type of blogposts to expect this year and when I'm planning on uploading. Also this year is my 2 year blogging anniversary, 2 years of blogging but that isn't until July so I won't start talking about it now.

I am going to attempt to post 3 times a week but with no set days. I know myself, if I give myself a day that I have to post, I just feel to under pressure unlike if it was 3 times a week but whenever. I am not going to be doing a month of blogging this year like a month of blogposts for Halloween or Christmas because it's to much pressure and it set me off blogging for like a month. I will do a week a blogposts and 12 days of Christmas instead of a month.

The other week I had a massive brainstorm and I came up with around 14 different ideas for blogposts this year. The type of posts to except this year are-
Theory's/ Have you ever wondered?
Geek things
And reviews.
These are all the type blogposts that I'm going to try and focus on this year. I also want to write detailed posts and not to rush them.

Also from today to next Sunday I am going to be doing a blogpost everynight, so come back for a week of posts.
Sadly, our time had come to an end. Thank-you for reading this blogpost and for your support, it is truely amazing. Hopefully you are looking forward to what is in store for my blog in 2017. Hopefully you enjoyed this post, I love you all to Jupiter and back but until next time, bye
Em blogs signing off

Tuesday 3 January 2017


Hey chickens,
Happy New Year, I can't believe it's 2017. Now, last night I had a massive brain storm and I've got so many ideas for my blog. I'll explain them all in my next post which will be a timetable and content post. Before I get started, I just want to thank all the people who wished me a happy new year, so thank you! Let's get started.

My New Years resolutions are:
To save my money
Be more confident within myself
Be a more consistent blogger
And to smile more

Last year I was not very good at saving my pocket money. I've decided that this year I want to save my money. I am going to try doing this by shopping online because let's be honest when we walk into a shopping centre we feel like buying things (or maybe that is just me ;). Although when I shop online I only buy the things I want or need instead of something that I didn't plan on buying.
This year I just want to be more confident person overall. I know that say a year ago I wasn't very confident and I have gained heaps of confidence in the past year but it's the small things I want to get over.
In 2017 I am going to be a consistent blogger. If I say a post is going up that day, that post is going. If  I say I'm going to post every night that week, I am. I wanted to do this because last year I was like, ok I'm going to post tonight then go oh I was busy and I don't want to do that this year.
I want to smile more. Just it makes things better and I like smiling so I want to do it more in 2017.

From this year onwards I'm going to make my blogposts more structured. I am going to do specific blogposts like fashion, beauty, hair, reviews etc because I really like that stuff. In my next post I'll go more into depth about that.

Sadly, our time has come to an end. Thank-you for reading this post and for the support. I hope you had a great start to 2017. I do hope you enjoyed this post, I should be posting my next blogpost within the next 1-3 days. I love you all to the Moon and back but until next time, bye
Em Blogs signing off