Tuesday 31 May 2016


Hey chickens,
Because I'm a very original person I'm doing a Q&A that no-one in the history of the human race has ever done.
What u want to do when ur older?
I really want to be a lawyer or a professional photographer
Where u want to travel?
I really want to travel around the U.K, I want to go to France, I want to go to Byron Bay and also America- Texas, L.A, Las Vegas- just to name a few places that I want to go to.
Celebrity Crush?
Leonardo DiCaprio, Zac Efron and Liam Hensworth.
Holiday Destination?
Byron Bay
Ever been out of AUS?
Any pets?
yes, one cat ( who is trying to sit on my laptop at the moment) and one dog
Summer Winter?
now I'm one of those annoying people that in summer say I want it to be winter and in winter say I wish it was summer. But I like both.
Favourite Celebrity?
Probably Kanye West, just some of the stupid and funny stuff he says
Favourite Food?
If you were a flower what type would you be and why?
a sunflower because they look cool and you would be so tall and colourful
What colour best describes your personality and why?
probably purple or red. Purple because it can be a happy colour or a darkish colour and red because its a bright colour but also the colour of blood.
Favourite outfit?
defiantly not my school uniform, maybe leggings with an oversize sweater.
Favourite book you've read?
the sky so heavy by Claire Zorn
Books or movies?
books, but I do really love movies
if you could be anyone in the world for one day who would it be?
Kim Kardasion or Kylie Jenner, I would just love to live in their life for one day to so how crazy it is.
how many children do you want?
2 kids
Favourite season and why?
Autum because its nit freezing and its not to hot 
Favourite video game?
i dont really play video games as such but i like gta ( grand theft audo) my brother plays it and i like watching him play.
swimming or surfing?
eat in or take out?
take out
hot drinks or cold drinks?
cold drinks 

So thank-you all very much for your question, i had lots of fun answering them, make sure to go follow these awesome people an instagram.
i love you all very much and ill see you next time with another post byye

Monday 30 May 2016

Thinking about changing things up.....

Hey chickens,
So I was thinking of changing this up, but i wanted to consult you guys first and get your HONEST opinion on the matter.

This is what I already have planed; well not really planed but in place if I go through with this.
I'll change my website/domain to WordPress, I might change my blogger name to Sagittarius blog and ill have a proper e-mail address for my blog.
For more detail- this current blog would no longer be in use, i would have a new blog with another website (WordPress). I would be changing my name to Sagittarius Blog.

So please comment down below or DM me on instagram or comment on one of my instagram photos your truly honest thoughts and opinion on if I should go forward with my plan or keep going with this, cause I'm not sure because I'm interested in both ways.
So I love you are very much, your support means the world to me and thanks for reading and I'll see you all next time.

Sunday 29 May 2016

Things that make you happy....and other stuff

hey chickens,
before i start this post i have two things to say- first of all how did Collingwood lose against the bulldogs, like really collingwood and right now im meant to be writing an essay that is due tomorrow.

so a couple of weeks ago i posted a photo on my instagram and said hey comment down below what makes you happy, so lets see what makes you happy......
when people are accepting of others.
equality makes me very happy.
chatting with bloggers.
beautiful people with the right type of confidence.
and cute clothes.
when me and my friends are together and have no care in the world, we are just happy in that moment.
people that accept you for you.
new episodes of game of thrones.
and blogging.
when people can be happy together and except other people the way they are not only that but chatting with bloggers and having fun is amazing to xxx
i agree with all of your statements girlies  
@em_blogs (lol, thats me)
baby animals
watching netflix
blogging/ collabing with blogers
listening to music
chatting with bloggers
the puppy dog filter on snapchat
doing stupid things with my friends
honestly i could go on forever but those are some of the things.
Now i have an essay that i really dont want to be writing right now so im not going to finish the post there. time to discuss some random things.
so basically we have all had a crush a coule of times in are life (disregarding celebrities), some of them are silly but then some of them are serious. right now i have a really serious crush on this boy (no, its not Leonardo DiCaprio) and like he's not even that hot (unlike Zac Efron) but i love him, and i dont really know why. and i haven told any of my friends because they wouldn't aprove but they would go tell him straight away, im not even joking and my life would be over. but i dont think he likes me back because ive requested to follow him on instagram 2 times and he's declined me. single pringle forever, but ill keep you guys posted.

so if you guys are looking for some really good headphones, i suggested skull candy headphones, i have their in-ear ones they costed $40 bucks but they are honestly awesome!
this isnt sponsored i just thought id give you guys some good items to get if you wanted to

now if you want a really good books series to ready go and get the tomorrow when the war began series by John Marsden, im about half way through the third one and i love them. and if you want another series, the first book is called the sky so heavy by Claire Zorn,  it is in a series but i think the second book is coming out in June this year. so basically ill give you a little over view about the books.
Tomorrow when the war began- is basically 5 kids that set of for a camping trip and a few days later they return but Australia has been declared war on, and they have to survive with little resources and yeah they are really, really, really good.
the sky so heavy- basically another Australian based book, nuclear testing has gone wrong and the whole world is like dying and they need to survive, i love this book so much and i cant wait for the next book to come out!

now currently im quite sick, i had tonsilitis last week but in more important news finding dory comes out on the 16 of June, like you actually dont know how much i love finding nemo so i really hope they didnt screw it up with finding dory.

so this was a really long post, um yeah i have school tomorrow like most of you guys and Australia, but i love you all, you behind they screen are my best friend in the whole wide universe and your looking very beautiful too! (dont worry if in your head your thinking no way, im currently sitting on the floor because my laptop needed to charge, ive got mypjs on, ive got a face mask on so i actually look scary whille eating cheezels and listing to just chill playlist on spotify). thanks for the support and who knows when ill get a new post up, you'll have to see.

Sunday 15 May 2016

Product Reveiw- Rimmel London

Hey chickens,
so, I was lucky enough to again receive Rimmel Londons new mascara and two eyeliners.
Mascara- Volume Colourist
I love this mascara, the brush is the right size, like its not to small, not to big, but just the perfect size to put on mascara easily. I love the tint that your eyelashes get after wearing this for about a week, the only problem is my left eyelashes are less tinted than my right; but its probably just because I put more mascara on my right eye than my left.

Now, I am the worst at putting on eyeliner, so I haven't actually like worn it out in public. But ive tried a lot at home, putting it on and it feels very soft and nice on your eye. its easy to put on, looks nice, feels nice. So I don't really have a problem with the eyeliner, its a nice product ( if I could put it on)

So, I hope you enjoyed this post, I love you all to pieces, you mean the world to me, thank-you for all the love and support.
byyye chickens

Friday 13 May 2016

what music im loving at the moment

hey chickens,
so today I'm gonna do another music post, I will be sharing my Spotify playlist.

1. I hate u I love u (explicit)
gnash-Olivia O'Brien
2. R U crazy
Conor Maynard
3. Love yourself
Justin Bieber
4. Lemons
5. California Love
6. Sirens
7. Forever ago
8. Whistle
Flo rida
9. Young, Wild and Free (explicit)
Snoop dogg
10. Dangerous Women
Ariana Grande
11. Hollaback girl (explicit)
Gwen Stefani
Flo rida

so these are my favourite songs at the moment, in the next week ill probably have a whole different playlist, that's how quickly I change my music choices.
so there will be a fair few posts this weekend so enjoy.
I love you all very much, you mean the world to me and ill see you soon

Tuesday 3 May 2016

15 question to get to know me

 hey chickens,
so I thought, most of you don't really know things about me, I only really briefly mention things in some other blogposts, but today I'm going to go through 15 questions.
1. I'm 12 years old
2. my birthday is on the 27th of November
3. I have braces
4. I have an older brother
5. I cant click my fingers
6.i started blogging on the 7 of July 2015 (I'm pretty sure)
7. I have brown hair
8. I have an iPhone 5s space gray
9. my favorite color (at the moment) is black and purple-and I always love aqua/turquoise
10. I'm a shopaholic (like no joke, I go to the shops and ill leave with at least 1 item)
11. my favorite t.v shows are pretty little liars and THE WALKING DEAD (which doesn't come back on until October(season 7)but yeah) and I'm watching pll on Netflix.
12.i spend hours on Spotify, creating playlists and finding songs
13.i live in Australia-Victoria-Melbourne
14.my favorite season is Autumn
and last but not least.....
15. I LOVE reading.......a lot
so I hope you enjoyed that, and at the same time learned some more about me.
comment down below if he have anything in common
but for now I shall be leaving you all, and ill seen you soon with another post, I love you all very much the support means the whole f**king world to me!!! love yall heaps (still wish I was southern)