Sunday 31 December 2017

Goodbye 2017

Hey Chickens,
I'm just going to pre warn you, this blogpost is probably going to be long and it is going to mention a lot of things, especially mental health.
Today is the 31/12/17, the last day of 2017
This blogpost is going to be my full send off to the year and my way to leave things in 2017 so I'm going to write about everything in this blogpost and then I can leave that in this blogpost/2017 and not take it into 2018. Honestly, that doesn't make sense but I don't know how to word it but hopefully you understand what I meant by that.

In 2017, I was very inconsistent with posting blogposts and at the time I was saying it was from School and that was true, I was given a fair bit of homework this year and the demand was quite high and I want to do well in School so I will take extra time to do projects and I will do extra tasks for a higher mark. Although, another reason that did play a huge part was my mental health. I'm going to get more into what my mental health was like this year but from what my mind was doing I didn't feel like writing blogposts and I had all of this inspiration and I wanted to write these blogposts but something inside me was like screw this, you are going to sit there and feel like shit.

My Mental Health from around July to start of November/end of October was in a very bad place. I genuinely thought I was depressed for a while and I felt like it wouldn't end. I would over-think everything and I would just sit there and think and I would get lost in my own thoughts which made things 10 times worse. I want to get everything off my chest in this post and that means being completely honest, I would post depressing quotes and shit on my Snapchat Story (like my own, personal one) and then when people texted me I would say don't worry about it but if people didn't respond to it, it would make me feel even worse. I would get pissed off at people for no reason but I would get so annoyed at someone and they didn't even do anything. I would get so sad and just feel all gloomy most of the time and I hated it. I don't even know how to explain everything now but I was just in such a bad place with my mental health. I do think some of my mental health things came from the friendships I was having at that time. This may have contributed to this but I can't say for sure because it still happens now but I do have a short temper in real life and I actually really can't help it sometimes. I will get really pissed off at something someone says then 5 minutes later I'll get over it and I won't care because in the first place it wasn't something to care about.
I am in a much better place now, I don't feel that way anymore and I feel so much happier. I did decided to email Headspace a few times to to get things out of my mind and honestly writing it down makes things a hell of a lot better. After writing the email I would feel so much better and clearer and it really did help things.

Another thing I've struggled with this year and I've kinda always had this (you could say) problem. And this so called problem I have is with Stress. I can't control my stress, I get very stressed out very easily and like I literally just said, my stress can't be sorted through so I just get stressed about everything. Honestly, how many times did I just say stress or stressed.
On a good note, the past month and a bit have been really good for me. You may have noticed I've been posting more on my blog (the past 2 weeks I've been posting everyday), I got very good marks in School on assessment tasks and I've been a lot more chilled out.

What I want to leave behind in 2017-
Bad Mental Health-
Now, this may sound kinda bad but I didn't know how else to word it. Like I explained in a massive paragraph above, I didn't have a very good mental state during the middle of the year. I don't want to carry this into 2018 because I want to be a happier person next year.

Stress, worry and anxiety-
I have always struggled with all three of these things for multiple years now and I want to stop having all of the excess of these. Everyone gets stressed, worried and has anxiety but some of us get extremely stressed, worried and anxious and I'm one of those people and I want to dial this down in 2018.

My very materialistic mindset-
I have something in my brain that turns off and on with wanting to buy things. When this has been turned on in my brain, it is really hard to resist and I want to buy things that I don't even want. I won't even want anything but sometimes I just want to buy like everything.

Bad Friendships-
This doesn't even need an explanation because nobody needs a bad or toxic friendship or relationship.
Although I have actually started working on 

Holding on to the past-
Again, this doesn't really need an explanation but I do want to stop holding on to the past and things that have happened in the past because I can't do anything about it, it has already happened and I want to learn to accept that.

Overall, 2017 has been fairly nice to me. I've had my ups and downs but I have realized a lot of things and from that I've then changed them. My blog this year was so incredible good and thank-you all so much for everything that you have done this year. I've got 5,589 blog views from all around the world and when I see that number it doesn't feel real because that is a shit ton of people, like I can't even imagine that many people finding my blog and looking at it.

If you were wondering what my New Years Eve plans were then this is what I'm doing. I'm staying the night in Melbournes CBD which I honestly can't wait for. Like, I'm staying in the city for New Years Eve, I'm just so lucky and grateful but I'm going to finish this blogpost here because it is already pretty long.

Thank you all so very much for reading this blogpost, I hope you enjoyed it and maybe you could relate to it in some way or another. This is going to be my last post for 2017 which is crazy to me because it seems like yesterday I was writing my first post of 2017. I love you all to Mercury and back but until next time, bye
Em Blogs signing off, I'll see you all in 2018

If you would like to go follow my Instagram it is: em_blogs
If you want to e-mail me it is:

Saturday 30 December 2017

Favourite Films of 2017

Hey Chickens,
Todays blogpost is going to be my last installment of my 2017 favourites mini series. I will be covering films in this post and honestly this post is going to be a little bit different to the other ones. I don't have a picture for these movies because I don't own all of them but I was thinking about adding a link for each film on like IMDB under it but I'll figure it all out. Basically, I'm going to stop talking and get into this post.

Baby Driver


The Wedding Singer

Happy Gilmore

The Outsiders

Dangerous Minds

Hot Fuzz

White Chicks

Lord of the Rings trilogy 

These are all of the films that I can remember loving from this year, there are probably more but it is kinda hard to remember every movie that I have liked this year because 12 months is a long time to remember every single film you have watched. 
Because I'm feeling like adding more to this post, I am going to add the T.V shows I've loved this year. Again, these are just what come to my mind when I'm writing this and there are probably more shows. 

The Walking Dead (Lets be real, I want ever stop loving this show)

South Park

American Horror Story 

Regular Show

Stranger Things

Another thing is with films and books is I find it hard to do it like once a year or once a month because if I find a book or movie I like, I'm not going to just stop reading/watching it after the year I discovered it. Like, I will watch all of these films next year and most likely love them just as much.

                                                      !!!Spoilers for the film Before I Fall!!!

Now, I also want to talk about the WORST film I saw this year and I will go as far to say, it is the worst film I have seen, like ever. You may be wondering what this movie is well it is called- Before I Fall. Honestly, this movie was so depressing but I do understand the message that it was trying to send out and all of the underlining messages in the story-line. But this is aimed at teenagers and I don't want to watch something that deep and dark. I am a teenager myself and I just want to watch fun, stupid films and all of this deep stuff is shoved down our throats everywhere, from school, from adults, from social media and I don't want to go and watch films like that. 
If you have seen Before I Fall, you may be thinking, Emma you are so closed minded, this is a serious topic and your saying it shouldn't be talked about. You know what screw it, I'm going to add a spoiler alert above but I think Suicide is such a serious topic and I do care about it and I do think we need to talk about it more and not make it a taboo topic to talk about because we need to bring light to Suicide, Depression and Mental health. It's just, I like stupid, silly, funny movies and this movie wasn't for me. Maybe if I was older, I might appreciate it more, but I do care about the message in this story-line.

                                                                  Spoilers are over 

I can't believe this is going to be my last kinda fun, stupid blogpost for 2017. Tomorrows blogpost is going to be my end of year reflection blogpost and I've already written half of it and honestly, it does get really personal but I think it is coming along quite nicely.
Now, I'll be posting that blogpost in the morning tomorrow because as I've already said like a thousand times, I'm staying in the CBD for New Years Eve so I won't have any wifi apart from my data on my phone (there isn't a lot of that) to post my blogpost later in the day or in the evening. I'll post something on Instagram saying Happy New Years around 12 or whatever but apart from that I won't be very active. Also, my going into the New Year blogpost will be going up when I get home and have wifi on New Years Day, so that is just some heads up if you wanted it.

Thank-you all so very much for reading this blogpost, hopefully you enjoyed it. If you did enjoy this little mini series I did of my 2017 Favourites, be sure to tell me somehow so I know if you guys want more stuff like that next year. Also, comment down below what your favourite film or films of 2017 were and if you have seen any of the films I mentioned above, comment down below that too! I love you all to Mars and back but until next time, bye
Em Blogs signing off

If you would like to go follow my Instagram it is: em_blogs
If you want to e-mail me it is:

Friday 29 December 2017

Favourite Skincare of 2017

Hey Chickens,
So like the last two blogposts, tonight's post is going to be another 2017 favourite and this time it is skincare. I'm actually not the biggest skincare person, I love it and I think it can help your skin a lot but sometimes I just can't be bothered to do it. Before I'm going to bed at night, I'm tired and the last thing I want to do is chuck a bunch of skincare stuff on my face. And in the morning, when I wake up it takes me like half an hour to like actually wake up and start the day so I don't feel like just putting a bunch of stuff on my face. Although on the weekends/holidays I do a little bit of skincare because I have the time, but I don't even know what that turned into but lets get started.
  • The first thing is the Large makeup remover pads from Kmart, I love these because the aren't small and they come in handy for heaps of things.
  • Lacure cleanser for sensitive skin- I think it is for sensitive skin but it comes in the pink bottle
  • Formula 10.0.6 Overnight success spot minimizing patches
  • Formula 10.0.6 Best Face forward daily foaming cleanser
  • Formula 10.0.6 Ultra Cleansing mud mask- I don't have this in the picture because I ran out and the past like three times I've been into my local Priceline, they haven't had any in stock

  • Nair Sensitive hair removal cream- I use this for that fuzzy bit of hair that you get above your lip
  • Clearasil clear Vanishing Pimple cream
  • Simple Hydrating light Moisturiser 
  • St Ives Blemish Control Apricot scrub 
  • Australian Creams Emu Oil 
  • Kmart Rosehip & Jojoba Oil Shea Butter Face Mask and Face Oil
Those are my favourite skincare products of 2017. Things like facial wipes, I have my favourites but I just buy whatever depending on how much money I have. Like sometimes I'll treat myself and get the nice $6 facials wipes or sometimes I'll be like ok, I'm broke so I'll get the $1.50 facial wipes. Also, all of these I brought with my own money or I got them as like birthday presents. No Brand is asking me to say this or whatever.

I'm like so tired right now, honestly after finishing this blogpost I think I'm going to go to bed. Earlier, I went into the bath at 5:15, I feel asleep (which, I know it is actually really dangerous to do that) Then my brother is banging on the bathroom door which wakes me on then he is like Dinner is ready and I was so confused. Then I asked him what the time has and he said 6:30 and I was like what and since then I've been so vague. Wait, hang on, update. I took some vitamins after I had my Dinner and now I have some energy back and I'm not almost falling asleep.

Because I'm a loser and I have to much time on my hands I was figuring out how old all of the Outsiders cast were in the movie. And honestly, they were all actually like late teens and early twenty's and holy shit they all looked so good. One person who I actually think has the key to aging is:
Ralph Macchio
If you don't know who he is, he was in Karate Kid, The Outsiders, My Cousin Vinny and heaps of other things. In the Outsiders film he is 20, he doesn't look twenty, and My Cousin Vinny was released like 10 years later so Ralph Macchio would be around 30, he doesn't look 30 in that movie. Honestly, Ralph Macchio, hit me up with your key to aging because I need it :)

Thank-you all so much for reading this blogpost, I do hope that you enjoyed it. Comment down below who you think has the secret to aging, another person is Norman Reedus, like he is 48 and doesn't look a day over like 26 in my opinion. I love you all to Juptier and back but until next time, bye
Em Blogs signing off

If you would like to go follow my Instagram it is: em_blogs
If you want to e-mail me it is:

Thursday 28 December 2017

Favourite Books of 2017

Hey Chickens,
Tonights blogpost, like yesterdays, is another one of my 2017 favourites except this time it is for books! I have read a lot of books this year, some I actually own and some I have borrowed from Libraries but I want to share with you my favourite books that I have read this year. Enough trying make a long enough intro, lets get started.


Just quickly, I know that the middle picture isn't in the center, it is probably annoying some of you, it is annoying me but it won't go in the middle for some reason.

  • The Protected- Claire Zorn
  • The Sky So Heavy- Claire Zorn
  • Cry Blue Murder- Kim Kane & Marion Roberts 
  • Crush- Eve Ainsworth 
  • Third Day The Frost- John Marsden 
  • So Much To Tell You- John Marsden 
  • Letters From The Inside- John Marsden
  • Dark Room- Tom Becker 
  • Flesh and Blood- Simon Cheshire 
And last but certainly not least is:
The Outsiders by S.E Hinton
You may be wondering, Emma why have you out this seperatly. Well, I have done this because this book (apart from Fourteen Bears: Summer and Winter and a few other fantastic childhood books) is honestly my all time favourite book. I got this book at the end of November and in a month I have read it twice and that may seem tame to some of you but I am a slow reader because I get distracted and my mind wanders so I have to read back over things and yeah, but I love this book, I love S.E Hintons writing and I just think this is such an awesome book.

There was some things that I was going to write about in this post, just like general stuff but I haven't pre-written any blogposts so far this week so I have been writing and editing on the day. You may be wondering why this is a problem, well, I am currently in a very serious Monopoly game and we have just had a break to have dinner but this game is intense and I don't know how long I will have but tomorrows blogpost will probably be a bit longer.

Thanks for reading this blogpost, your support has been so lovely and high (I don't know how to word this) this year and it just makes my heart warm to know that some people out there in the world are reading my blogposts for enjoyment. I do hope you enjoyed this post, if you have read any of these books comment down below what you thought of them or comment down below what you favourite books of 2017 were. Anyway, I love you all to Neptune and back but until next time, bye
Em Blogs signing off

If you would like to go follow my Instagram it is: em_blogs
If you want to e-mail me it is:

Wednesday 27 December 2017

Favourite makeup of 2017

Hey Chickens,
Today's blogpost is basically just me sharing my favourite makeup from this year. Just a little disclaimer, some of this makeup was sent to me by Rimmel through-out the year for PR and some of it I have brought with my own money. Anyway, lets just get into it.

Next to this is a picture of all the makeup that I've loved and used this. I do understand that picture is not landscape, it is portrait and trust me, it annoys me too but I took this picture before I write the post and I do not feel like going through my makeup to find all of them.

The products featured in this picture are-

  • Zoeva Naturally Yours eyeshadow palette 
  • BYS Peach eyeshadow palette
  • Rimmel Wonder'full Argan oil mascara 
  • Rimmel Volume shake mascara 
  • Rimmel Wonder'fully real mascara 
  • Maybelline Master contour palette in the shade light 
  • BYS highlighting palette- I'm not sure about the shade but it has a purple, pink and gold highlight
  • Rimmel Insta conceal and correct palette- it is the correction palette 
  • Rimmel Lasting Finish foundation in the shade Soft Beige 
  • Nude by Nature highlighting palette 
  • Rimmel Brow This Way eyebrow gel in the shade Medium brown
  • Rimmel Insta duo contour stick in the shades Light and Medium
  • Rimmel Stay Matte liquid lip colour in the shade Latte to go
  • Rimmel Insta fix and go setting spray- I think that is what it's called
  • Rimmel Lasting Finish primer
  • Rimmel Natural Bronzer- Don't know the shade :(
  • Rimmel Stay Matte pressed powder in the shade Silky beige 
So these are all of my favourite makeup items of 2017. I'm not trying to brag if anyone thought I was trying to brag, some of these items were sent to me for PR from Rimmel. Also, if you thought, you have a lot of Rimmel products. Yes, I do, again some of these were sent to me but I actually do really love Rimmels products. I do own other brands of makeup and I am starting to use makeup from other brands. If you enjoy this blogpost, I will be doing 3 more of these until Saturday, so there will be more of my favourite.....of 2017. 

I do actually just quickly want to explain something in yesterdays blogpost which was my 'What I got for Christmas 2017'. I got a spray water bottle in stocking, now the reason why I got this was because with my mum and my brother we have this like mini inside joke and my mum brought my brother and I these as a joke.

Sadly, our time has come to an end.

Thank-you all so much for reading this blogpost, hopefully you enjoyed it because there will be 3 more types of these blogposts this week. Also, just quickly I haven't put down my Christmas decorations yet and I don't really want to take them down because they make everything so much more happy but I should out them down. Anyway, I love you all to Mercury and back but until next time, bye

Em Blogs signing off

If you would like to go follow my Instagram it is: em_blogs
If you want to e-mail me it is:

I've just realised, in my past two blogposts my ending 'Em blogs signing off' I have written 'of' instead of off and I'm like dying inside because I do not not what reading and editing is apparently. 

Tuesday 26 December 2017

What I got for Christmas 2017

Hey Chickens,
Today's blogpost is basically just going to be me sharing with you all what I got for Christmas this year. I am in no way trying to brag, I just want to share with you all what I was so lucky enough to get for Christmas this year and I also have split-up parents so if it seems like I have quite a large ammount of presents, it is becasue I get presents at my mums house and my dads house. I actually really like doing these posts for myself to look back at and just quickly, I'm supposed to be uploading this on boxing day but to be honest, I have no idea when this will be uploaded but anyway, lets get into this post.

At my Mums house in my stocking I got-
A packet of pens
A notebook
A small pencil case
A water-spray bottle
Pet Sematery 
A flamingo cosmetic bag which had a lip balm and two bath bombs inside
Some chocolate and a Push Pop 
And a packet of these small, natural coloured boxes

The presents I got at my Mums house were-
Baby Driver
The Walking Dead 2018 calander
A Christmas box which came with heaps of really cute Christmas decorations in it
BYS Glitter eyeshadow palette
Samwise Gamgee Pop Vinyl
A pair of pink pjs
A pair of grey jeans
A blue cami/slip nightie 
The new Diary of a Wimpy Kid book
A trolli lollie stocking
A set of matching three bag set-
It came with a purse, an over the shoulder bag and a weekender bag, they all came seperatly but were from the same collection and if you were wondering they were from the brand Colette Hayman
Off my Brother I got this really cute white bead bracelet that has angel wings on it
Off my Nan I got some money and a chocolate stocking

The presents I got at my Dads house were-
A black backpack with embroidered flowers
A rose gold purse
A denim cut off vest 
A pair of dungarees 
Nude by Nature Sunrise brush set
Australis Metallix eyeshadow pot in the shade 'Guns and rose petals'
Australis Mixologist palette 
Australis Colour clique primer in the shade 'Pink Lady'
I got some money off my Dad, but I also got some money off my Dads side of the family and my Dads partner
And I did get another chocolate stocking

If you did want to know where any of these items were from so you could get them for yourself or someone else, just comment down below and I'll reply because I basically know where most of these were from or you could contact me through Instagram or email, whatever floats your boat.
I do just want to say again, I am so grateful and thankful and lucky to be able to have such a giving Christmas, I am not trying to brag or show off at all, whenever I do polls on Instagram stories about doing hauls and showing what I got for Birthdays and Christmas, everyone over there seems to mostly want to see it.

I just want to quickly add, I know I've been saying a lot on my Instagram that I've been getting really bad likes and followers activity. I know it is not about all the numbers and it doesn't matter but it really annoys me because I put so much effort into it and people that follow me and are active don't like my posts. Another thing is, I have 1,394 followers and my most recent Instagram post has 7 likes. People with 450 followers get 60 likes per post. I think what I'm going to do is put out on my story whoever doesn't like my recent posts and doesn't stay active I'm just going to unfollow or whatever, but I do always try and not get caught up in the numbers of everything but this has annoyed me.

If you were wondering, I am actually posting all of this week as well. Last week I posted everyday and this week I'll be doing it too up until Monday which is New Years Day and I'm undecided if I want to keep posting daily after that, I am just going to see how things go like time and blogpost ideas. This year I do actual want to do a back to school blogpost series but I'm just going to see how that and I'll do some polls on Instagram stories about it.

Sadly, our time has come to an end. 

Thank-you so much for reading this blogpost, I hope you did enjoy it. This weeks blogposts are just going to be all about my favourites of 2017 then later in the week like on the weekend, I am going to be doing some blogposts about reflecting on this year and what I want for next year in my life like goals and shit. On that note, I love you all to Jupiter and back but until next time, bye
Em Blogs signing of
If you would like to go follow my Instagram it is: em_blogs
If you want to e-mail me it is:

Monday 25 December 2017

#christmaswithemblogs Merry Christmas

Hey Chickens,
Merry Christmas Everyone !
If you do celebrate Christmas, I hope you have such a nice day. It doesn't matter why you celebrate Christmas, if it is for religious reasons or just for giving or receiving presents and having some nice food, Christmas is all about love and caring for people. If you don't celebrate Christmas, then I really hope have you a great day anyway whatever you are going to be doing.

We need to acknowledge and help all the people at Christmas time that need it. It breaks my heart to think about families that don't have enough money and can't afford to put on the Christmas that they would like too. It breaks my heart to think about all the homeless people who will be on the streets, without any nice presents to open or a nice Christmas meal to eat. It just breaks my heart to think about everything who is living in poverty and is struggling in whatever way. 
If you are in a situation like that, or your parents are, I really hope that you have a nice day anyway. I wish all the best for you and your family and I really do hope that you still find joy in life, but if you do need help there are so many organisations that can help you.

I love you all so much, I hope that you are all having a wonderful day today (I've said that like ten times). I do hope that whatever situation you are in, you still can have a nice day anyway.
Merry Christmas Everyone

Sunday 24 December 2017

#christmaswithemblogs Present Wrapping- Part 2

Hey Chickens,
So before we get into the actual post, if you haven't read my part 1 blogpost to this go check it out before reading this
Basically, in this blogpost I'm just going to be going through the presents that I've wrapped this year and talking through my co-ordination. When I'm writing this now it sounds so boring and honestly it's going to get better, like it will be better than it sounds.

These are most of the presents for my family and just how I have wrapped them.
So this year the wrapping paper I choose was just a natural colour with white writing on it (the writing just says things like Merry Christmas). Then the ribbon I choose was really simple as well. It is just like a string type material with red string wrapped through it and honestly, I was going to tie a bow around the presents with the ribbon but I didn't have enough ribbon for that. Then the gift tags I got I love so much, they are so cute. The sayings are so cute on them but all of it kinda matches and goes well together. This is just my opinion, but I really love how all of this just goes together and I think it looks really nice.

Ok, I was right before, this blogpost was actually kinda boring. In my head I thought this was going to be a much more interesting post but I guess it wasn't. Just a quite note, all of these items were purchased from Kmart like the wrapping paper, ribbon, gift tags. Also please just ignore my horrible wrapping and applying ribbon skills, look, we aren't all perfect at everything :)

When I'm uploading this, it is Christmas Eve and I truly hope you all are having a wonderful night. I'm going to talk more about this in my blogpost tomorrow but it breaks my heart that some families don't have enough money to afford Christmas and some people aren't with their families because of all different reasons, but I hope whatever your situation that you have a wonderful Christmas eve.

Sadly, our time has come to an end. Thank-you so very much for reading is post. I do understand it wasn't the most exciting but, hopefully you enjoyed it anyway. Please, I hope you have a nice Christmas eve. I love you all to Venus and back but until next time, bye
Em Blogs signing of

If you would like to go follow my Instagram it is: em_blogs
If you want to e-mail me it is:

Saturday 23 December 2017

#christmaswithemblogs Star Wars- The Last Jedi Review

Hey Chickens,
Today's blogpost is going to be a review on the new Star Wars movie. Now, a lot of reviews say that the movie is really bad (just look at the reviews on IMDB) and I quite liked the movie, I didn't think it was that bad. Also, just a little heads up, I'm horrible at writing reviews and telling people about films/books because I always go to tell them what happens and like ruined things. I don't mean to do this but because I've seen it, I forget that they haven't seen it. Anyway, you can keep reading because I won't say anything about the story line, so don't worry about spoilers.

I did actually like this movie in the Star Wars movie franchise, unlike most peoples opinions. I think with almost everything, you have to see it or read it or experience it yourself to know if you like it or don't because everybody is going to like and dislike different things. Luke Skywalker is in The Last Jedi (This isn't a spoiler, it has him at the very end of The Force Awakens) and I actually really liked his storyline in the movie. There was a few funny jokes through-out the film and omg, some of the creatures they had in it were so cute and cool and I honestly just want them in my life.
One of the places in the film (Where Rey found Luke Skywalker) reminded my so much of Lord of the Rings. Honestly, I was like expecting Frodo just to come walking around the corner, like because the island was all like hills/mountains and it had all the greenery (I've just read back through this and I sound like an idiot).
Overall, I do think it is worth the money to go and see it at the cinema.

I just need to quickly explain this about last nights blogpost because I couldn't fix it and it did kinda annoy me. So last nights blogpost was actually underneath the blogpost which was uploaded on the 21st of December. The reason why was because, I'm an idiot and accidentally uploaded that blogpost on the 21st then reverted it to a draft and uploaded the blogpost that went up that night. For some reason, when I went to go upload that post last night, it went back to the day I first uploaded it.

This is a very serious topic that I'm about to talk about and I'm only going to briefly mention it now because I really want to make this a separate blogpost about this.
Joey Graceffa uploaded a video today about suicide because a childhood friend of his had committed suicide. This video was very powerful and honestly it did make me cry when I was watching it. Although Joey did make the statement that 'Suicide is selfish' and I simply do not agree with that and everyone has their opinion. The reason why I don't agree with that is because if someone commits suicide they will hurt everyone that loves them but they are hurting- mentally or physically. I do understand that things can get better and that you can talk to someone and get help but take all of that away, they are hurting and things could get better for them in 30 years, which would be too long for anyone.
Again, this is just my opinion and every single person has a different opinion. Comment down below your opinion on the topic if you want to. Suicide just makes me so sad and I do encourage everyone to go watch Joeys video because it made me feel so sorry for Joey and for everyone affect by that death. I am going to write a blogpost about this topic and mention everything in it and give links and all that stuff.
Here's a link to the video

Sadly, our time has come to an end.

Thank you so very much for reading this blogpost. It started out as a movie review then turned into something quite dark but I do hope you enjoyed it and if you didn't then let me know. I've been loving uploading everyday so I think I might keep it up, but I'll wait and see. I love you all to Jupiter and back but until next time, bye
Em Blogs signing off

If you would like to go follow my Instagram it is: em_blogs
If you want to e-mail me it is:

Thursday 21 December 2017

#christmaswithemblogs Best Christmas Lip Colours of 2017

Hey Chickens,
In today's blogpost I am going to be sharing with you all, in my opinion, the best lip colors for Christmas this year. These lip colors are mostly reds, there is one more peachy/pink color and one is a bit more off a berry red color, but I feel like all of these colors will suit every skin tone for the festive season.
Just a quick little disclaimer- I brought three of these products with my own money and two of them were sent to me. The two that were sent to me are the Stay Matte liquid lips, but I am not being payed or anything to add these into this blogpost or talk about the. 
Rimmel 'Oh My Gloss' in the shade: Rebel Red-
This I don't always use because I'm not the biggest fan of glosses but this is a very pretty color. It isn't very intense and has a nice little shine to it. It doesn't stain your lips like some red lip colors do and it is very easy to take off. The applicator is just a regular, normal lip gloss applicator.
Rimmel Stay Matte liquid lip in the shade: Coral Sass-
This is more of a peach color when you first apply it, then once it has dried it becomes a little bit more pink. It is a very Summer type lip color, and Christmas in Australia is in Summer so I feel like you can get away with this color. It can be quite hard to get off your lips and does stain them a bit and because it is a liquid lip, then be prepared for your lips to become very dry.
Rimmel Stay Matte liquid lip in the shade: Fire Starter-
I absolutely love this pure, fire truck red lip color. When it dries up onto your lips, the color becomes a little bit less intense but it still has a lot of color to it. It does stain your lips, but it could be worse. It is easier to get off your lips than the shade 'Coral Sass', I do not know why, but that shade sticks to your lips, this shade doesn't. This shade honestly looks really nice and I love it.
Rimmel The Only 1 lipstick in the shade: Listen Up- 
This lip color is more of a berry red that has a pink accent to it. I'm not the biggest fan of this shade (even though I brought it, what the hell was I thinking) mainly because it is a strange color. I also have a very light skin tone, so it looks out of place on my lips. Although, I choose this because a friend of mine tried this and they have a olive type skin tone and it suited them a lot more than it did on me. 
Rimmel Kate lipstick in the shade: 22-
I'm not actually sure what collection this lipstick is from but basically is has 'Kate' on it and it has a matte black container that it's in. I know that this is going to sound very stupid but I don't really this formula. I love the color, it is a beautiful red but I hate the feeling on my lips. It is also extremely staining of your lips, very hard to get off and anything it touches like clothes, your not getting it off. But this is a very beautiful festive red.

Last week I started watching American Horror Story. Now, I started off with the first season which is Murder House and I don't know how I feel about it. The themes are very mature but I guess I liked it even a bit because I started watching the second season which is Asylum. I do know one thing about this series is that I have fallen in love with Evan Peters. He is such a fantastic actor and I personally think he is very good looking. Another person in the show I love is Zachary Quinto, again, he is very good looking and a very good actor.
I'm writing this on the 17th of December and I'm currently up to episode 6, season 2 so by the time I have uploaded this, I'm going to have watched more of it and I'll keep up updated, even though literally nobody cares.

Sadly, our time has come to an end. Thank you all so much for reading this beauty/Christmas themed blogpost, hopefully you enjoyed it. Obviously, you aren't restricted to wear this stuff at Christmas time, you can wear this all time of year because they are petty lip colors. I love you all to the Sun and back but until next time, bye
Em Blogs signing off

If you would like to go follow my Instagram it is: em_blogs
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#christmaswithemblogs Best Lip Color Ever ??!!

Hey Chickens,
Today's blogpost is going to be about a lip color from Rimmel that I personally think is generally an extremely good lip color. This isn't even just me saying I think this is a nice lip color, I've had many workers in shops ask about it when I've been shopping. Friends have said it is a really nice lip color. On Instagram, I've been it on many different skin tones and it looks great on all of them. I just realised, I've written all of this and haven't actually told you what the liquid lip color is, I'm an idiot. Anyway, lets get on with this blogpost.

This liquid lipstick that I get banging on about is the-
Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Lip in the shade 710 Latte To Go.

This is the type of product where you have to go into store and see it for yourself and because I was sent this by Rimmel to do a makeup look (I ran out of time to post that) I would actually have never even brought it and that upsets me because I love this color and I haven't stopped wearing this. I've had so many compliments from it and everyone needs to own this in their makeup collection, it is just as easy as that.
I actually love these liquid lips, I was sent 7 of them and they are just beautiful. The colors just look really nice and they literally would suit all skin tones which I love.

Sadly, our time has come to an end. Thank you for reading this blogpost, comment down below if you want me to do more posts like these where I chose a product that I think is an ultimate favorite. Hopefully you enjoyed this blogpost, if you do end up buying this liquid lip then please tell me if you love it too. I love you all to Mercury and back but until next time, bye
Em Blogs signing off

If you would like to go follow my Instagram it is: em_blogs
If you want to e-mail me it is: