Saturday 27 January 2018

Studying and Homework Tips + Year 12, Life and Uni

Hey Chickens,
So Todays blogpost is going to be my personal tips for studying and keeping up and being organised with homework. I've just decided to also talk about shit like deciding if you are going to do VCE or VCAL and going to Uni because it's all so stressful and there is such a big pressure from school about that stuff but I'll explain it all later. I do just want to say that I'm not a person who invests my whole entire life into school and what I mean by that is I don't get home and start homework right away then don't finish until 10 pm or I won't request extra work. I do put lots of effort into assessment tasks (some more than others) and I do all the work and all my homework but I like to have a break. When I get home, I'm home. I don't start homework right away, unless I have heaps of it but even then I like to have some me time. But anyway, lets get started.

Now, I am in Year 9 so I don't really need to study for things as much. Like I don't have final year exams that you have to write down every element on the periodic table in 10 minutes (I do not think that is even a thing but anyway) but I do have tests that I need to read over everything etc. What I really like to do is use colour in my notebooks at school. So when I'm at school and the teacher goes write these notes down, I'll use my blue pen to write main things then I'll use coloured pens or coloured fine liner pens for headings, sub-headings, important things to remember. For me, that just turns my brain on more and if I'm looking back over it I can remember it more. This is more of an obvious one but if you keep your notebooks clean, tidy, and organised so if your looking back over it then you understand everything. I know this can be hard because I am actually a person who does get a bit bored and find myself scribbling all over the page and then I think why did I do that.
I don't know how true this is but I read somewhere once that writing in blue pen makes you remeber things more compared to black pen but I don't know how true that is.

For keeping up with your homework this all mostly comes down to if you want to do it but here is what I do anyway. I'll list down all the homework that I have and I write down everything that I have to do that night. For example, if I got a piece of homework that is due the next time I have that subject and I don't have that subject again until next week, I'll wait to do it. This just helps you even out your homework so you don't feel like you have to do it all at once. Another thing that I like to do with projects more so is if you have part A, B, C and D. I'll start with Part A, get some paper and 
I'll write down in steps what I need to do. Then I do that with all the parts and I find it easier to control because I know what exactly I have to do and I can remember what I've done and what I need to do. If you are a person that gets very easily distracted, like me, then this part is definitely for you. One of my biggest problems when I sit down of a night to do my homework is my phone. What I like to do is turn it off completely or if I need to use the calculator for example I'll turn it on airplane mode, so both way I'm not getting notifications. then (if I don't need my phone) I'll put it out of my sight like underneath my pillow or in a box. I like to listen to music to keep me on track (which sometimes I need my phone for if I'm not using my laptop but airplane mode) but if I was to listen to Australia's top 50 on Spotify, I wouldn't get getting anywhere. What I like to do is listen to Red Hot Chili Peppers (One of my favourite bands) or if you have Spotify they have a whole little section called 'Focus' and I'll just chuck on one of those playlists and I am focused.


I do just want to say before I start this section of this post that I understand some people want to go to University and be there for 10 years and get the highest point of education. I also understand that some people want to be tradies and get apprenticeships. This going to be for the people that don't want to do anything like them and just want to have a retail job or working in the bank, just something of that type. 

In my high school (I don't know about other schools) but it is very pushed to go to Uni and have a career. Also by the way if you don't know, VCE is what you do if you want to go to University and VCAL is for people that want to get into jobs that tradies do or hairdressing or childcare. I go to a public school and last year when I was in Year 8 we were talked to about all of this stuff and honestly it was kinda boring and I didn't listen to all of it but I started getting me thinking about what I want to do. Before that I wanted to become and Lawyer then I kinda realised that I literally cannot achieve the marks that you need to become to be a Lawyer. Then I was interested in Accounting then that faded off (I'm really bad at maths so I don't really know how I was going to do that but anyway) and I didn't really know what I wanted to do because I felt like I needed to do VCE and go to Uni and get a good paying job and I felt that even more so because all my friends had (and they still do) their lifes figured out. Earlier this month I was talking to my Mum and I was saying that I just kinda want to have a 'normal' job like working in a retail shop for example. I don't want my whole entire life to be about work and careers are basically just having your whole life revolve around work and I'm not interested in doing things that you would do from VCAL. In schools there is no option for people that want to do what I want to do and that is kinda shit. Basically, these days if you dropout of school, you can barely get a job and it's really hard to get a job. So for any of you that are in my position, just remember to do what you want to do because honestly there is no point in doing something that you do not want to do.


This blogpost has turned out to be pretty long, again. Honestly, I reckon this blogpost could have been way longer in the second part but if I was running the Education Department in Victoria, I would make a third option for Year 11 and 12 students for people like me who want just a chilled job. I was thinking about making a blogpost about how wrong the whole education system is but I'll see about that because when I get started on the education system it really does annoy me. 

Walker Stalker Update-
This time in two weeks I will be at Walker Stalker in Melbourne. Honestly, I'm so excited to go and it is a nice thing to look forward to from the start of school (I start on Wednesday next week). I know that some people aren't going anymore and honestly that doesn't take away from my day at all. It would have been nice to see them at a panel or something but it is still going to be an amazing day. One of the actors that isn't going is Norman Reedus who plays Darrel and I'm just very glad that I didn't pay $148 dollars for a photo because I was going to and I think that you don't get your money back but I'm not sure about that. I honestly am actually loving the line-up for Melbourne Walker Stalker but I would quite like to have seen Jeffery Dean Morgan but I'm so grateful and lucky that I am even going.

Thank-you all so much for reading this blogpost, hopefully you enjoyed it. I hope that this blogpost has helped you for school this year with my little studying and homework tips and maybe the second part of this blogpost helped you with something. I do just want to quickly say, I lied in my last blogpost on Monday. I said in my outro that I was going Shopping and seeing the third Maze Runner but that didn't happen. Basically, something happened so I couldn't go. On Thursday I went shopping and I did a mini haul on my Insta story and I'm going to see the Maze Runner on Tuesday. I love you all to Jupiter and back but until next time, bye.
Em Blogs signing off

If you would like to go follow my Instagram it is: em_blogs
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Monday 22 January 2018

My school/stationary supplies

Hey Chickens,
Now, before I start this post I just wanted to mention something. For those of you who aren't from my Instagram then you probably don't know what my name is and my name is Emma. It just occurred to me that I've only really mentioned it in like my first ever post which was almost three years ago. 
This blogpost is my first Back to School post for 2017. As every other student in Australia, I'm dreading going back to school- I'm pretty sure up in Queensland they went back today but tell me if you are from there if you did. Even cute and pretty stationary isn't enough to inspire me to go back to school but I am very grateful that I live in a country where you have to have an education and you get an education (even with way to expensive fees for a public school but anywayyy). Basically, this post is going to be all the school supplies that I got from Officeworks like two weeks ago.

Now, if you are looking to get school supplies at a very cheap price go to Officeworks right away, they are cheaper than Kmart. This all came to around $40 dollars or something like that and I got a $13 dollar pencil case, expensive as sticky notes (which were $4 something), fun coloured pens and highlighters like I love you Officeworks.

To get the boring stuff out of the way first, I got regular binder books. Nothing to exciting about these, I just write in them. Also, if you did happen to wonder why I had only 6 books in the photo, I did actually get more than that because I have more than 6 subjects. I actually got 18 binder books, some 96 and some 128. Again, more boring stuff, I just got like four black display folders, nothing interesting.
These are just plain and simple dividers but honestly I fell in love with the colours of them, They are this very pretty pastel colour. I didn't really need these but they were $0.50 cents and now I can have pretty colours between my books. The second item that is going into this paragraph is the expensive sticky notes that I mentioned before. I tried to find a cheaper option that was in a square but I couldn't (sorry mum) and I need sticky notes to keep my life organised. Also, for them being so expensive, you don't even get that many notes in each square.

I've just spent the past 10 minutes trying to put these pictures into a cool diagonal line and honestly I spent way to much time on it and hopefully it looks cool but lets be honest, it won't.

I think these next two items are my favourite. The first item is a packet of highlighters. It may seem simple at first but there is 6 different colours, just imagine how much highlighting you could do with 6 different colours. In life, I always go crazy with a highlighter like for example if I'm in school and they give you a sheet and say highlight this one line, I do that then end up drawing all over the whole sheet with highlighter. The second item is these coloured felt tip pens but they aren't textas they are like coloured fine liner pens (when you don't know what they are called) and these are double sided so one side has then thick tip and one has the thinner tip. 

I also love this which is my pencil case. It was the last one on the rack and I just loved it instantly. It so pretty and it isn't bulky which I would used to have the bigger two zipped surf brand pencil cases and I enjoy having a smaller pencil case now. I honestly can't say enough how much I love it and the colours on it just look so good. Bit of a downgrade now but there is my pen. It is one of those 4 coloured pens and honestly these things are so much easier to have in your pencil case because itstead of having multiple pens, it's all in one. If someone asks you for a pen (done that plenty of times myself) then you can say you don't have a spare because you really don't but if you loose it your kinda screwed. 

I do just want to say, I'm not trying to brag at all. I never try to brag, I just like doing hauls and you guys mostly like them too. Also, I did a poll on Instagram stories today asking if you want a stationary haul or studying tips blogpost night and in 4 hours, 5 people have seen in and 4 people voted (I know who you are that didn't vote, haha) and all 4 of you said a school staionary supplies haul. This obviously isn't everything like some stuff I got off the booklist like glue, pencils, ruler and my textbooks but that is all boring mostly.

I know like all of last week I was saying that I was going to upload every single night this week and I'm not to sure if that is still going to happen. This week I am going to be uploading mostly Back to School blogposts and I'll take each day as it comes with uploading. I know most of us Aussie go back to school sometime next week, I go back on the 31st (I think) which is not too far away. I was going to finish the post here but I just did the most stupidest thing. On a keyboard there is the button in the bottom right corner which says 'PgUp' and 'PgDn' in the middle of those two they have up, down, right and left buttons. I accidentally pressed the down button with my wrist and it went down the page of where you write this blogpost and I thought I had just writing an entire blogpost and then deleted all and I got so annoyed for 30 seconds than realised what I'd done.

Thank-you all so much for reading this blogpost. I hope that you enjoyed it, if you did, let me know. I just want to say again, I'm not bragging in any way, shape or form. I just also just thinking, this is my third year of blogging, that is so crazy to think I've been doing this for 3 years. Also, tomorrow I'm going shopping and to the cinema to see the new Maze Runner which I can't wait to see. But, I'll probably just do a mini haul of what I brought on my Insta story so check back there tomorrow night. I love you all to Saturn and back but until next time, bye
Em Blogs signing off

If you would like to go follow my Instagram it is: em_blogs
If you want to e-mail me it is:

Thursday 18 January 2018

S.E Hinton, Tattoos + Walker Stalker

Hey Chickens,
Today's blogpost is going to be a simple, chatty blogpost about a few things. I was going to upload a review on a Models Own eyeshadow palette but I needed to take photos for it and I'll explain later in the blogpost about why I couldn't do that. You may have noticed that I've been doing a fair few of these chatty type blogposts at the moment and I love writing them because I don't plan them out, I just start writing and it can go anywhere. Enough trying to make this intro longer, lets get started.

In my last few blogposts, I have been mentioning that I ordered some books of Booktopia. Those books came last Friday and honestly Booktopia have the best service ever. There was 6 books in the order and they came in a massive box with so much protection around them; all the books came in great condition. I ordered the books on a Tuesday night then they came that Friday on the same week. I'm not being asked to say this or anything, but if you want to order a book, get it from Booktopia because they will give you a great service experience.

Speaking of books, I want to talk about the amazing S.E Hinton. I've mentioned this about a thousand times but I want to give you a full timeline of me and S.E Hinton books. Going back, my Mum had read The Outsiders in high school as like the a compulsory book that everyone reads (hopefully that makes sense) and then she shared S.E Hinton with my Brother. Going a few years in the future to November last year, The Outsiders movie was on one of the Masterpiece channel on Foxtel and me, my brother and my mum, we all watched it and it was my first time watching it and I loved it. Then a few weeks later, my brother brought me The Outsiders book for my birthday. Then go to last week, I ordered Rumble Fish and That was Then, This is Now, and I'm not evening joking, I started reading Rumble Fish and finished it then I started That was Then, This is Now and finished it- all in one day. I still have three of S.E Hintons book to read which are, Tex, Taming the Star Runner and Some of Tims stories so I'll be ordering them very soon. I honestly just love her writing so much and I love her books and she is just my favourite author, hands down.

Not too long ago, I put on my Instagram story a poll with something along the lines of 'do you want to see a blogpost about tattoos' and so many of you said yes, I was actually quite surprised. I love tattoos but only if they are done good and the aren't like weird. For example, one of my cousins got a nun tattooed on his arm and I would put in a photo because I don't know how to explain it but it kinda looks like the nun off the Conjuring 2 (his tattoo isn't but that is kinda what the nun looks like) and I mean it is kinda shit. Whoever did the tattoo did I good job on it but who the hell gets a nun tattooed on their arm, it's not my cup of tea. I want to get tattoos that are kinda meaningful ( not like an anchor on my ankle to keep me grounded or whatever) like I want to get 'That was Then, This is Now' tattooed on my left wrist and I want the poem from The Outsiders tattooed on my right wrist. I want 'Stay Gold' tattooed on one of my fingers and I want a line from Rumble Fish tattooed on my thigh. I want some more tattoos than them but those all have meaning to me because all of them are from my favourite books which are written by my favourite author. I obviously want a tattoo of something to do with Walking Dead because it is my favourite t.v show.

I started a little bit of a lead way with mentioning Walking Dead just above but if you didn't already know I am going to Walker Stalker in Melbourne in literally a little over 3 weeks. I honestly can't wait, I am so excited to go. My tickets came in the mail yesterday so everything is all offical. I've booked my photo op ticket with Austin Amelio and I can't wait to like actual see him in person and see some of the cast of The Walking Dead in person when they are in panels. I'm just so excited to go. Last year I went to Comic Con in Melbourne and I had never been to anything like that before so I didn't know what to except and I loved it so much. I actually really want to go again this year but I'll just have to see how everything turns out.

Now, I can't control myself. I was going to talk about a few more things in this blogpost but I've just read back through what you've read and changed a few things but it's so long. I don't actually know how much I can write because if I was doing a review I find it hard sometimes to make it just that little bit longer but if you get me going on Walking Dead and S.E Hinton, you have over a two page blogpost. Well my battery on my laptop is running low so I better go.

Wait, actually I need to explain how much of an idiot I am. So yesterday I went to the beach and a fact about me is I don't like wearing sunscreen because I hate the feeling off it. I normally do put some on but yesterday I thought, it isn't that hot so I'll be fine. Well, two hours later I saw that I was a little bit burnt on the back of my legs but didn't think much about it because it was only around my ankles. I left the beach, went home and last night my legs were so red and it was so sure. I've put on heaps of stuff like sunburn cream and my left leg is all sunburnt. From my ankle to where my shorts were (which was quite high up my thigh) I was burnt so badly. On my right leg, I'm just burnt on the lower half but the worst thing is, it is on the back of my legs so I like can't sit down properly. So, today, I've been sitting down, in the air-con, not moving much because it hurts to walk and I look weird as.

Thank-you for reading this blogpost, I hope that you enjoyed it. I will be doing a whole week of Back to School blogposts next week, so yeah. I would like to write a little bit more for this outro but if you have seen my Insta story my laptop is literally about to die. I love you all to Jupiter and back but until next time, bye
Em Blogs signing off

If you would like to go follow my Instagram it is: em_blogs
If you want to e-mail me it is: 

Monday 15 January 2018

January (1)- Movies

Hey Chickens,
Today's blogpost is going to be very similar to my last post which was about books that I've been interested in at the moment but this post is going to be about films that I've been interested in and liking at the moment. Enough rambling, lets get started. Also I just want to add, I'm finding it really hard to word things in this post so if it sounds weird or doesn't make sense, that is why.

In January, I have been watching a fair few films from the 80s and 90s. Some of them are pretty dodgy but once you get past that, they are actually just all fun movies. With some YA films now, they are all so depressing and I've said this before but I hate depressing movies because when I watch a movie I want to laugh and smile and wonder to myself how some male actors can be so hot, but that is just my opinion. I re-watched (for about the 5th time now) the Back To The Future trilogy and this is just such a classic, you can't go wrong with it.

I watched Friday and The Breakfast club both for the first time. Friday was a good movie, I did like it but the only problem is not much happens in it until the end and it goes for an hour and a half so when your watching it, it feels like you've been watching the movie for 3 hours because it's slow moving, but I did like it. The Breakfast Club, omg, I loved it. I loved the whole movie, Judd Nelson and Emilio Estevez were so good in it and I just loved how realistic it was and I don't think it's outdated at all. Speaking of Emilio Estevez, I've watched The Outsiders again this month, I just love the movie so much and I can't fault it because everything about it is perfect. And because we are on the topic of S.E Hinton, I tried to watch Rumble Fish on YouTube but some of the frame of the film was cut-out and the movie is in black and white. Now, I get why it's in black and white, it's to do with the story but I found it really hard to concentrate and I only got half way through but I did think the movie was really good. Matt Dillon is just such a good actor and was (in my opinion) very good looking back in the 80s so he did such a good job in the film.

Now to some action type films, I watched Point Break for the first time last night and I liked the movie, I thought it was really good except the ending was pretty shit. I was thinking when I was watching it that Patrick Swayze was just generally a really cool guy. Like you look at him and think he's a cool guy and also I do love him. I also watched Days of Thunder which is a car racing movie and it was good but I couldn't stop thinking about Tom Cruise and how half normal he looks in this movie. In my mind I was just picturing him in The Outsiders to Days of Thunder to The Mummy and how at the start he looks like a normal human and now, well, he has had a fair bit of plastic surgery done, lets just say.

Lets move onto some comedy movies shall we. The other week I watched The Lego Batman Movie for the second time and I couldn't stop laughing. Enough though it is marketed as a kids movies, I reckon half the jokes are for like adults because half of it I wouldn't have laughed at when I was younger but it's a pretty bloody funny film. The Cornetto Trilogy, holy shit, these are some of the funniest films ever. I watched Shaun of the Dead a few years ago and just before New Years I watched Hot Fuzz and we have to be honest, the greater good is happening somewhere in Victoria. Then around two weeks ago I watched The Worlds End and that is so funny although near the end it does get a bit serious but then it goes back to being funny. The funniest out of the three are Hot Fuzz and The Worlds End.

I'm actually surprised that this has even gone up because like I mentioned at the start, I just didn't know how to put everything into words and it was all sounding quite stupid. This was going to be a combined post with music that I've been liking but this post is already really long without that so I might do that was a separate blogpost this week- I'll do a poll on my Instagram about it. Also, in my last post I said that I had ordered some books of Booktopia and they came in on Friday so I'll be talking about them in a post sometime this week.

Thank-you all so very much for reading this blogpost, if you got this fair, well done. I don't know how often I'm going to be posting this week but next week I'm going to be uploading every single day on Back to School blogposts. I hope you enjoyed this, sorry that it got a bit long but I wanted to talk about heaps of films. Anyway, I love you all to Venus and back but until next time, bye
Em Blogs signing off

If you would like to go follow my Instagram it is: em_blogs
If you want to e-mail me it is:

Wednesday 10 January 2018

January (1)- Books

Hey Chickens,
So Today's blogpost is going to be all about books! I don't really have any idea about how I'm going to do this but I've written down a list of books that I've found so far this month and from late December that I like the look of and I'm just gonna share them with you all.With these blogposts they are going to be a bit all over the place because I'll be giving little descriptions on some of the books while I might have read some of the books already. I'm also going to be dong a blogpost like this but with music and films that I've been watching/listening to. Anyway, enough rambling, lets get into it.

So these are the books that I've found these past couple of months and I am interested in them and want to read them-
  • Rumble Fish- S.E Hinton 
  • That was Then, This is Now- S.E Hinton
  • The Chocolate War- Robert Cormier
  • No Turning Back- Beverly Naidoo
  • Goodbye, Rebel Blue- Shelley Coriell 
  • The Last Place on Earth- Carol Snow
  • One of Us is Lying- Karen McManus
  • Stone Cold- Robert Swindells 
I have wanted to read all of S.E Hinton's books since I read The Outsiders which I got for my birthday and that's at the end of November. I have actually read Rumble Fish but when I was home alone one day and I just decided to borrow (without asking) my brothers copy because he has all of her books and I loved it but I did like rush through it because I wanted to finish that day and didn't know when my Brother or my Mum was getting home. I have the same situation with That was then, This is now. I started reading my brothers copy when I was home alone and I haven't had another chance to read it yet.

Last night I actually ordered five of these books so I can do little book reviews after I've read them. I want to do more blogposts to do with books this year because I love reading so much and I love sharing with people when I find a truly amazing author like S.E Hinton or a really good book. Anyway, the books I ordered were Rumble Fish, That was Then, This is Now, The Chocolate War, Stone Cold and Goodbye, Rebel Blue. They will probably come next week but have a look on my Instagram because I'll post about them on there when I get them. 

The book One of Us is Lying, when I was reading the description on Booktopia the first part of it sounds like The Breakfast Club and I was just thinking like this is a rip-off of The Breakfast Club then I kept reading it and my whole mindset changed because one of the characters get killed (that isn't a spoiler, it has it in the books description) and I was just like omg, where can I get myself a copy. To me, it is like The Breakfast Club like modern day/crime version.

Another book that I can't wait to read is No Turning Back and I'll let you go and read the description of the book but I've never personally seen a YA book like that and I haven't read a book like that (yet). I feel like it will be a very powerful and moving book to read and I just reckon I'm going to really like this book.

The Chocolate War is another book that I found out about from my brother because when I was looking for Rumble Fish (basically my brother has a stack of books in his room that he reads there is only like a few though) and I found this book and I read the blurb and I was very interested. I haven't read anything from this book but like I said before, I have ordered it. 

Thank-you all so much for reading this blogpost, hopefully you enjoyed it. You'd never know this if I didn't tell you but it is currently 7:05 and I have been trying to write this blogpost since about 2:30, so I've been trying to write this blogpost for around 5 hours. Comment down below if you have read any of these books and if you enjoyed them or a book you want to read at the moment. Anyway, I love you all to Mars and back but until next time, bye
Em Blogs signing off

If you would like to go follow my Instagram it is: em_blogs
If you want to e-mail me it is:

Sunday 7 January 2018

Exposing Instagram + New Makeup

Hey Chickens,
Todays blogpost isn't really going to have much structure or meaning to it because I'm just going to be rambling really. As you can tell by the title I'll be exposing Instagram, and talking about something to do with new makeup and I will be talking about Poptropica and some geeky type stuff. Anyway, if you're interested keep reading, if not, still read it cause you're gonna like it.

You may be wondering, Emma, how are you going to be exposing Instagram. Well, it is nothing to crazy like I found Zoellas private account (That's a good clickbait title) but it still is pretty like eye-opening kinda, I don't know how to explain it. It is basically buying fake followers on Instagram and fake likes and also having people like running your account trying to attract people. Now you may be thinking, first of all, we all know you can buy fake Instagram followers because we saw Shane Dawson's video on it and second of all how do you know this. Well, we all know that this does happen but it may be happening more than you think and to people you wouldn't except. I get the same emails on like a weekly basis from the same company's offering me to sign up for Instagram followers and all that shit but sometimes they included accounts that they say have 'worked with them'. I'm not going to be saying any company names or any peoples Instagrams that were mentioned in some of the emails because I actual don't know if these people did buy followers and/or likes. Another thing I mentioned was companies running peoples Instagram accounts and this isn't to like strange like people obviously run like big celebrities accounts but I'm a fourteen year old blogger from Australia with 1.3k followers, I'm not Kylie Jenner. I did think it was strange that companies would email me wanting to get people to run my account because I'm a small blogger.
If you think I'm being ungrateful for receiving emails from companies that do stuff like this. I'm not, I just don't really understand it all that much like why would anyone want to buy followers. I do want to disclose that I haven't accepted any of these emails, I just do this for fun like I'm not going to go all professional. 

This is what most of you are probably here for but this little section is about new makeup. I haven't actual brought any makeup in 2018 so far (it's only been 7 days) but I brought two new eye-shadow palettes literally a few days before Christmas and if you saw my 'What I got for Christmas' blogpost then you would have seen I got some makeup for Christmas. I was thinking about putting all of these products together and doing like a massive review blogpost. I also want to do a review on the Nude by Nature brush set that I got for Christmas, I don't actual know if that is still available or not- I just checked the Priceline website, they didn't have it on there but they might still sell it somewhere else. This year with makeup want to try NYX, Too Faced and more products from Australis and Maybelline. Although I really want to buy some of the products that I've put into my 'Makeup first reaction' blogposts so I can compare what my first opinion was to trying the product and seeing what it actual is like. 
Considering I started talking about Blogposts I might just mention a few things now quickly. Over the next week I'm going to upload a blogpost about films and music that I've just kinda got into recently like since 2018 and the last week of 2017 because I'm going to be completely honest, 90s and 80s movies are quite good, like two of my all time favourite movies were from the 80s and 90s. In 2018 I want to do more book blogposts like review books and talking about books because if you didn't know I actually love reading. 

If there are any makeup products, books, films, skincare products or even clothes that you would like me to buy and talk about/review on my blog comment then down below. Please use your brain and keep it reasonable like don't go comment review Sunday Riley because sure, their products are probably amazing but where am I getting $132 dollars for a f**king face oil and the same with clothes where am I going to get like $3,000 bucks for talk about the quality of a Gucci jumper. 
You may have noticed I used ** those things in the middle of a certain word above, the reason for that is because the other week I had a 9-year-old dm me on Instagram saying she loves my blog and I felt really warm inside then it hit me some of the language I use so yeah. If you were wondering, in person, away from the computer I do swear like a sailor. Yes, I say the F word, that doesn't make me a bad person. There is two words I stay away from, you may know what two words I'm talking about, if not, I'm not going to say them.

In geeky type stuff, Walker Stalker is going to be in Melbourne in around like 6 weeks and I'm so excited. If you didn't already know, I'm going to the Walker Stalker Con in Melbourne and I can't bloody wait. Today I'm going to get a ticket to get a photo with Austin Amelio who plays Dwight and omg, I just want it to be here. I'm not going to be telling you what day I went until after the event and this may sound stupid but if I posted a photo before I went to the event and I was wearing a green denim jacket for an example you may be going, see a teenage girl wearing a green denim jacket and go that is Em Blogs. It sounds so stupid and I was going to say it made sense in my head but I didn't even made sense in my head. Also, omg, Poptropica. Did anyone ever used to play that or you may still play it. I literally just discovered it Today and created a new account and actually started playing it and it was so weird to think that when I was in around year 2 and year 3, Poptropica was such a big part of my life, I even had the DSI Poptropica game. Lets just say I was very invested in Poptropica and it annoys me I can't remember my old login stuff.

Here's a fun fact, I've been writing this blogpost for over 2 hours, you would never think that because honestly wait hang on, I take that back this blogpost is pretty long and I did come up with everything off the top of my head, like I didn't have any type of guideline or anything. I started writing this blogpost at 2:30 this afternoon and it is now 4:50 and I still have to go through and edit it or I may just keep it 'raw' because I don't want to edit, you'll be able to tell which one I choose. 

Thank-you all so much for reading this long and without a cause (who do I think I am, trying to sound cool if I was from like 2008) blogpost. Hopefully you enjoyed it and hopefully you are excited for the type of blogposts that will be coming out in 2018. Remember to comment down below some products you would like me to buy (within reason) and talk about on here. Anyway, I love you all to the Moon and back but until next time, bye
Em Blogs signing off

If you would like to go follow my Instagram it is: em_blogs
If you want to e-mail me it is:

Thursday 4 January 2018

New Years Eve 2018

Hey Chickens,
So for New Years Eve 2018/2017 (I have no idea which one it is) I stayed in the Melbourne's CBD. I had the most amazing time and I did an Instagram story poll which was if you wanted to see a kinda follow me around blogpost for the night. I took a fair few pictures and nobody said no on my Instagram story so here is this blogpost.

I stayed at the Crown Plaza Hotel just down from the Exhibition Center in Docklands in the standard rooms, nothing too fancy. I've stayed at Crown Plaza twice now and their staff are so nice, they all said Happy New Year when we were leaving and entering the Hotel and they were just so lovely. The room quality was really good, I mean their was a bit of damage but I don't care about that stuff although I have no idea what was up with the pillows and beds. Honestly, one of the pillows felt like a bloody rock is was that hard and the beds were comfy, don't get me wrong but like why are they hard. Honestly though, I love Crown Plaza Hotel, it is just a lovely facility (I think I've used that word wrong).


Those are just some photos from the room and of the hotel + pool from the room I was staying in window. I actually had such a nice view from where my room was placed- I could see all the buildings and the beautiful looking hotel The Grand Hotel honestly it is such a nice, old looking building.
When we got into the CBD we didn't really know what to do for lunch/dinner so my Brother and I convinced my mum to ring up and see if we could get a table booked at San Antone. Now, the last time we went to San Antone was for my Brothers 18th which was actually the last time we stayed at Crown Plaza. We got a table fore like 4:15pm so we chilled in the room for an hour then headed over to Crown to have our late lunch/early dinner. We got a booth which was so good because we all love sitting in booths at restaurants. I have heaps of pictures of my brother and stuff but I can't put them in this post but I did get pictures of the food and holy shit, there food at San Antone is amazing. If you are going to be in Melbourne for any reason, find any way possible to go to San Antone because you won' t regret it. Obviously the food was amazing.

We walked up to SouthGate after that, had a drink there then walked back down Southbank decided what to do for the rest of the night. I also had heeled boots on so I was walking around with no shoes on because I had blisters and my feet were killing me. We had decided what we were going to do and then we went back to the rooms then we went out did what we decided to do then we went back to our rooms again to get ready for the night. We left our rooms for the night around 9 or 10, I honestly can't remember and we went over back to Crown and found Galactic Circus/Playtime and it was so busy and we just walked around and decided to come back after the fireworks because it was open to like 2 in the morning. We watched the fireworks on one of the bridges that was closed off (I have no idea what it was called but it was a bridge along Southbank) and the were so good, I honestly though that they were so good and argh I loved this night so much. Then  after the amazing fireworks and spending half an hour in a huge group of people on Southbank where you literally couldn't move (that was fun) we went back into Crown and my god did they have those heaters pumping. It was so hot in there and we were going to go back to Playtime but how hot Crown was, it was just making us all feel sick. We then decided to go back the next day and we got Kebabs from this Kebab and pizza shop between where Crown Plaza and The Grand Hotel/ 7/11 are and honestly they sold the best kebabs and HSP ever, like I got a HSP and it was the best I ever have had. Then we went back to the rooms and ate them there.

We all went to sleep at really late times and all three of us had around 3 hours sleep each. By the time we checked out and put all of our bags into the car it was like 12:30 (during the day) and we walked back into Crown because that's where we parked the car and got some lunch. Also my Mum woke up at like 6 and walked down to 7/11 and brought donuts and orange juices so like cheers Mum for that. After lunch we decided to go back to Playtime, Galactic Circus thing and nobody was there so we just played around on the games for about an hour then after that we decided to head home.

So that was my run through of my New Years Eve night. I honestly had the best time ever, I'm so grateful and lucky to have gone and like 4/5 days later I'm still on a high from it like it was just so good. My Mum had actually already booked for New Years Eve this year so I can't wait to do it all again.

Thank you so much for reading this blogpost, I hope you enjoyed it. The next time I'll be doing one of these will be in February for Walker Stalker! I'm sorry this blogpost was quite long with a lot of writing and not many pictures to break it up. I love you all to Jupiter and back but until next time, bye
Em Blogs signing off

If you would like to go follow my Instagram it is: em_blogs
If you want to e-mail me it is:

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Makeup, My First Reaction 4 + YouTubers

Hey Chickens,
So today I'm doing yet another makeup my first reaction/first impressions blogpost. I honestly love doing these because what I'm writing has nothing influencing it. I don't own these products or the most I have done is test them in store on my hand and when I write these blogposts, I don't use reviews as a source, I simply just look at the products and write what I think of it. 

In my last Makeup My First Reaction blogpost, What Lexie Loves commented saying that if I was to ever buy these maybe I could do a blogpost on it them compare my first reaction to the review, so I guess I'll save up come coin of mine and buy some of these makeup products so I can do that because I really loved the idea.
Go check out her blog here cause like, I know you want to do it and I love her blog so much honestly

Morphe 35F Fall Into Frost Eyeshadow Palette-
I've been seeing this palette everywhere recently and I thought I would look into it and my god, isn't it beautiful. I love the mix between warm tones and neutral tones in the palette although I do think that there needs to be more matte shades so you can use the whole palette with all the shades instead of using a matte shade in another palette. The array of colours in the palette are so pretty and they all go together but in my opinion, the matte black shade is a bit awkward. I've heard that the colours are pigmented but I can't commented on that myself. The price of this palette is very good, on the Beauty Bay website it is $39.60 AUD and you get 35 shades in the palette so like that is a good price to me.
Morphe website-
Beauty Bay website-

Normally in these posts I will do around 3 or 4 makeup products but I wasn't feeling any other products to do a reaction on so I thought I'll just leave it at one. I do want to introduce you all to a YouTuber who I have been watching for a few months now and I honestly think he is one of the best YouTubers; I have actually mentioned him before but I'm just going to do more on him now.

This YouTuber I am talking about is JaackMaate-
He basically makes funny, take the piss videos about other YouTubers and just general things. He's a smaller YouTuber (500,000) and I just love his videos so much. They always make me laugh but also, he seems really down to earth and doesn't take things to seriously which I love even more. If you do get easily offended over everything then I wouldn't watch his videos because they aren't for you if you can't take a joke.
In his looks, he minds me if Steve Buscemi and Simon Pegg had a kid. When I first came across his channel, he really reminded me of someone and I honestly thought he had been in a film but I couldn't put my finger on it. Then I watched Hot Fuzz a couple of weeks ago and it came to me like honestly, Jack reminds me so much of Simon Pegg to the looks and they way they talk.

Thanks for reading this blogpost, I always appreciate your support in whatever way it is. I do hope you enjoyed this blogpost, I don't even really know what it ended up being but I kinda like it, comment down below if you think I should do more posts like this or not. I love you all to Venus and back but until next time, bye
Em Blogs signing off

If you would like to go follow my Instagram it is: em_blogs
If you want to e-mail me it is:

Monday 1 January 2018


Hey Chickens, 
Happy New Year, I hope you all had a great night last night/today and I good start to the new year !
My blogpost today is going to just basically be about what I want in 2018. I'm not the type of person who likes to set goals for myself but I don't think it can hurt to detox and cleanse your life for the new year. 

What I want to work on in 2018-
  • I want to *try and save some money in 2018 (I said this last year)
  • I want to have a proper sleeping pattern 
  • I don't want to have excess and clutter in my life
These are just three simple things that I want to follow in 2018. They are pretty self-explanatory, I get a little bit of pocket money from my Nan a few times a month and unless I'm saving up for an event, I'm can''t save money for shit, I just always spend it. Again, sleeping, I literally don't have a sleeping pattern and it makes me more tired in the morning when I wake up. Also for school, sometimes I don't get tired until like 1 in the morning and I have to wake up at like 6:30 am, so 5 and a half hours sleep is not enough. Last but not least, in 2018 I want to keep my life as de-cluttered as possible (with physical objects and mental things). This all ties in with stress, anxiety and just mental health in general but I also just don't want to have heaps of tangible objects in my life.

With my blog in 2018, I do want to upload more because these past two weeks I have loved uploading everyday and it hasn't felt like something I had to do. These Summer Holidays, I'm most likely going to keep uploading everyday but once I get back to school that will change. I am going to aim for 2 blogposts a few; one during the week and one on the weekend. I am going to do more beauty themed blogposts this year and I also really want to get into doing blogposts with clothes (basically fashion stuff) because I'm really interested in that stuff. I've just realised this while I'm writing this but the more you love something the less it feels like a burden because I have been writing blogposts in stuff that I'm interested in and I've had a lot of fun writing them.

Thank you all so much for reading my first blogpost of 2018. I hope you enjoyed it, it wasn't much but like I said before it is just want I want to get out of the next 12 months but who knows where I'll be or what I'll be doing in even 3 months time. I love you all to Saturn and back but until next time, bye
Em Blogs signing off

If you would like to go follow my Instagram it is: em_blogs
If you want to e-mail me it is: