Monday 20 February 2017

Nude by Nature review

Hey chickens,
Today I thought I would post this blogpost. Now, this is my own personal opinion, I'm not being paid or asked to say this by Nude by Nature nor have they sent me these products to review, I've brought them with my own money or someone else has brought them for me. Also if you're thinking, I've seen this post before, your not going crazy, you have. At the start of January, I posted this blogpost but it was written and posted from my phone so the blogpost was all messed up and the pictures weren't coming up with anything, so I'm fixing it all up now.

Nude by Nature is an Australian mineral makeup brand. They are 100% certified PETA, cruelty free brand (which means they don't test on animals and they are recognised on that by PETA). I personally love their products, they feel amazing on the skin and blend really nicely and thier palettes have really good colour pay-off. Their makeup brushes are amazing, they are my favourite brushes (alongside with Elf). They blend your makeup fantastically and are really easy to clean. The only catch with this brand is the price. Their products are on the pricey side but I do personally think it's worth it to save up that extra money.

I am going to be doing reviews on these products in separate blogposts, so I won't go into to much detail now. I just wanted to introduce you guys to this brand because I feel like it isn't very well known, when really it has some really awesome products.

Now these are the products that I own from Nude by Nature-
The contour brush
The liquid mineral concealer in light
The BB 5-in-1 miracle cream in light
The pawpaw ointment
The Natural Wonders eye-shadow palette
The contour palette
The highlight palette
The essentials brush collection
The Odyssey complexion collection

The pawpaw ointment, The Liquid mineral concealer, The BB cream and The Contour brush-
The Contour brush is great for Contour, also great for blush and highlighter.
The BB cream has great coverage, blends really easy and is really cheap, from Priceline it is about $10 AUD
The concealer is a little harder to blend but it does have great coverage for covering up spots on your face.
The pawpaw ointment is nice to have on your lips through-out the day for a bit of shine while it moisturisers your lips.

The essential brush pack-
I actually picked this up at a Priceline sale back in November, for about $23.00 AUD (the normal price was about $40.00 AUD) and it includes 7 really soft brushes. It came with a little case that you can slot them in and I actually love this case so much, it has a rose gold zip and its great for transporting your makeup brushes. The brushes in the pack were- The kabuki brush, The powder brush, The concealer brush, The eyeshadow brush, The eye blender brush, The eye definer brush and The lip brush.

Odyssey complexion collection (bit of a tongue twister)-
I got this for Christmas and it is a really good pack. It comes with Natural mineral cover, Airbrush mineral primer, Mineral finishing veil, Liquid mineral concealer, Sheer light illuminater, Virgin blush, Deluxe compact mirror and a kabuki brush. I have pictures of the products in my last blogpost.

Natural wonders eye palette-
This palette has some of the most beautiful shades of eyeshadow and I can't even describe my love for the rose gold packaging and how well all the colours go together. I will have to admit that I only use the blue when I'm doing makeup looks at home.
                                                              No Flash-

Highlighting palette-
This literally has the best pigmentation of a powder highlight. All the colours in this palette look amazing, they blend easy, have great colour pay-off and are just really pretty.
Flash-                                                                                                                               No Flash-

Contour palette-
This contour palette is actually so good. It's really nice and for people like me that aren't at the starting level of contour but aren't pro at it, so its nice for that in-between if you get what I mean. The bronzing shade in this is actually the best shade for a bronzer.
Flash-                                                                                                                               No Flash-


Overall, this is one of my favourite makeup brands (alongside with Rimmel). The products are really nice on my skin and I love that they don't test on animals. Also, again, this post isn't sponsored in anyway or I'm not being asked to say this, this is just my own pure opinion. If you are interested in going to check out there products you can shop there products at Priceline, Chemist Wharehouse or go to there website
Sadly, our time has come to an end. Thank you so much for reading this post and for your endless and amazing support. Everything and anything you do is just so fantastic. This week and from now on, I am going to try and upload at least twice a week but that isn't a promise. I do hope you enjoyed this post, I love you all to Mars and back but until next time, bye
Em blogs signing off

Saturday 18 February 2017

What I got for Christmas 2016

Hey chickens,
Now, I am very much aware that its the 18th of February but today is the day where I had nothing on so that meant sitting down and writing this blogpost. I also understand that it isn't even remotely Christmas mood anymore but I still wanted to upload this. Now, I am not trying to brag or show off, I purely just wanted to share with you all what I got for Xmas. This post is going to be quite long anyway so let's just get started. 

Mum's House-
So this is what I received from my Mum (The pictures will be in order will the description) 
I got a very, very pretty black dress. It's from the brand Lily Loves (which is a brand that Target made) and the back of it has a pretty, cut-out floral design. Then I got two sets of pjs and can I say they are the most comfy things I've ever worn. I got a Carl pop vinyl which is super cute. I got two movies. One was Nerve which I flipping love, its one of my favourite movies and I also got Confessions of a Shopaholic and honestly I like love this movie its so true for people that like to shop. Then I got a bath bomb which I loved using. I got the new Diary of a Wimpy kid book, Double Down which I've read like 4 times by now because I love the Diary of a Wimpy kid books. Then I got a little Sagittarius horoscope book for 2017 (basically it has my horoscope thing for everyday of 2017). I got this super pretty white dream catcher and a little Sagittarius thing that you can hang up and its cute and has copper on it. Then I got this super pretty bracelet which I wear almost everyday and it has a Hamsa Hand on it. Then I got a little bug, which if you have read my What I got for my Birthday 2016 blogpost then you will understand. I don't know how to explain this last thing but it is basically like a little Christmas decoration and I do have to admit that I do have it in my room. Then last but not least I got the Walking Dead Best Defence game. I've played this quite a few times since Christmas and it is a game that goes on for ages and you need to pay attention and work together but non the less, I love it.

Dads House-
This is what I received from my Dad. (The pictures will be in order with the description)
First of all I got a Remington straighter, this is literally the best hair straighter. You can adjust the temperature to what you want it to be and it heats up and cools down really quickly. Then I got a pack from Nude by Nature, which I love this brand so much. The odyssey pack included a rose gold compacted mirror, a mineral blush, a mineral finishing veil, a natural mineral cover, and illuminate and a primer and a kabuki brush. All the packaging in this set is rose gold which is so pretty and I just love and use everything in this set. Then I got three nighties. One is black and grey which has an Elmo and says takes free tickles. One is blue and has a Garfield and says not a morning cat which is totally me. The last one is black and grey again and it has little Micky Mouse heads all over it and a fluro pink M. Then I got a Star Wars singlet because I love it and it is dark grey. It says Jedi master and yeah I like it. Then I got a Walking Dead calendar which has amazing pictures of the cast. Then I have two new books. A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray which I haven't read this book yet I have read another one of her books and I loved it. Then I have read this book and I suggest it so much because it was so good. It was Lies I Told by Michelle Zink. Then last but not least I got the highlight palette by Nude by Nature which may I say is amazing. The pigmentation is so flipping good.  

Then from one of my Auntie an Uncle I got this little copper dream catcher/wind chim and it has 'Emma' in the middle of it and its just really cute. I also got from them the Taylor Swift Incredible Things perfume and I'm not much of a fan of perfume because the scents are too strong but this has the most amazing smell but its not too strong which is fantastic. Then I also got from my grandparents on my dads side this little pack that has a body butter and a shower lotion which they smell amazing and I have used both of them quite a lot.

Then I got some money. This was just from a fair few people in my family.
 I also got some chocolate stockings but they are long gone by now.
 I'm going to finish this here. Sadly, our time has come to an end. Thank-you for reading this long blogpost. And thank-you for your support recently, it has been amazing. Also thanks so much for over 4,000 views for my blog like that is so unreal. I hope your weekend has been good so far and I love you to Mars and back but until neck time, bye
Em blogs signing off

Saturday 4 February 2017

First week back at school for 2017

Hey chickens,
This Wednesday (on the 1st of February) I started the school year for 2017. Now, it was only 3 days so technically it wasn't my first week back at school but it was my first days back at school. This post is also going to have update things in it so keep reading.

My first days at school were kinda good but I can't say that they were the best 3 days of my life. I do have some homework and I should be doing that right now instead of writing this blogpost but oh well and its the weekend so I don't really feel like doing homework. Friendships are pretty good, there aren't any dramas (yet) which is nice. Love life, well..... I don't have a boyfriend so there is nothing new there but the crush that I wrote a blogpost on a while ago and I have mention him in a few posts, I don't really like him anymore. I'm starting to like this new guy. I'm not fully sure if I have a crush on him but I think I might be.

I finally have my laptop back! So my laptop has gotten all fixed up and is ready to go so I can finally write all these blogpost that I have been planing and my What I got for Christmas 2016 will be up within the next 2 weeks. The reason why some of these posts I couldn't write is because I had to write blogposts on my iPhone and trying to put pictures in a blogpost on an iPhone is really difficult and stressful.

The Too Faced Sweet Peach eyeshadow palette is so pretty (I mean, I don't have it but the pictures I have seen look so amazing) and I really want it. The colours look so pretty in it and the packaging looks very pretty and it smells like peaches. Smashbox's new cover shot eye palettes look so great. I haven't actually read any reviews or heard anything about them but from the pictures I've seen on Mecca, they look quite good. I specifically like the look of the palette 'Matte'.
I'm actually thinking about doing some posts like this. What I mean is, doing a What's new in beauty. I won't actually have to products to review (because I'm thirteen and don't have $70 dollars to pay for a new eyeshadow palette) but I could just talk about them.

T.v shows, movies and books. The Walking Dead 7b comes back on the 13th of February and I'm so excited because I have missed it so much. At the start of January I decided to watch the whole series of Pretty Little Liars again. I'm currently up to Season 3 episode 20. I don't know if I've mention this movie before but Nerve omg hands down like my favourite movies. Also Confessions of a Shopaholic has been a favourite at the moment. Legit like the new Diary of a wimpy kid book (Double down) is one of my favourite books in that series.

Well, I'm going to wrap this up here so sadly our time has come to an end. Thank-you for reading this blogpost and for the fantastic support, I am so grateful for it. Thank you so bloody much for 1,500 followers on Instagram, like that is just amazing. I hope you had a nice start to the school year and I love you all to Saturn and back but until next time, bye
Em blogs signing off