Tuesday 21 July 2015

Rushing or Relaxing? you choose

Are you a rusher or a relaxer or maybe you could be both? In todays blog I'm going to write to anyone who is reading what is great about being a relaxer. 1. When you relax you have more time to do the things or activates that you love. 2. When you do home or school work you tend to get more work done when your relaxed. 3. You realized what is important to you when your more relaxed Sometimes its nice just to step back from the real world and relax { however you may relax } RELAXING IS ONE OF THE BEST THINGS THE HUMAN BODY CAN DO OR LEARN TO DO!!!!! Bye everyone

Thursday 9 July 2015

Public speaking

Ok so I know for some people public speaking is a breeze but for others well let's just say it's not so easy. I have to do some public speaking for a thing at school and well I'm not really looking forward to it but here's some advice for you for guys if you have to public speak and is not looking forward to it 1. If you have a script just keep practising as much as you can learn it of by heart but if you have to write the speech yourself make it something short but good well you can make it as big as you want but make sure you can learn it of by heart 2. Practise in front of your family or friends just so when you have a crowd your ready 3. Don't think of all the worst things that could happen just think of the positives 4. Take your time to speak don't rush and don't stress and things will be great I'm not saying that if you follow all of these steps nothing will go wrong but these steps can help you to make sure nothing goes wrong Comment down below when you had to do public speaking and something went wrong or if it all went perfectly.

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Reality to cleaning your room

so when your parents say " it's time to clean your room" here's what most kids reactions are sadness, anger, unhappiness all those types of emotions but are parents always have their
reason why we should clean our rooms and kids have their  own reason to. So I'm going to tell you how to make cleaning your room fun!
1. Make your own playlist with all of your favrite songs so every time you have to clean your room just put that playlist on
2. Put a video on in the background
3. Have fun with it like go shopping and get a couple of decorations to put around your room or create a theme that you love here a few examples: vintage/ retro, beach, a colour, animals any-thing you love and it doesn't have to be a place it can be a colour or an object too

Ok so  yesterday I cleaned my room top to bottom and it was a hard job but after the boring stuff had gone I got to have fun decoration with the things I found around my house and now sitting on my bed looking around my room makes me feel happy and writing my blogs makes me feel happy to so the next time your parents say ' time to clean your room' you have nothing  to worry about.

So have fun decoration your room ( after the boring cleaning)😝

Life is not perfect

Life isn't perfect.

Ok so life is not perfect be all have our ups and downs fights break-ups and make-ups, but I want to say when we go though these times when there is more downs then ups you are never alone. Here's some advice to get though these hard times.
1. Tell a friend a brother or sister or your mum and dad what you are feeling
2. Write or draw all of your feelings down in a private diary or book. It doesn't have to be private some times it's nice to share but other times we just want to keep some things private.
3. Do something you love. It could be with someone you love or by your-self like watching a movie or colouring any thing you love.
4. Have a spa day. Make home made facials. Have a foot bath or a bath maybe paint your nails  anything that means spa day to you.
5. Chill out with your pets if it is a fish or a lizard every one loves there pets.
6. Go for a walk remove yourself from the situation and take as long as you need to de-stress and come back to you.

Weather you are reading this in 6 months time please comment down below how you
Are feeling right now. And please leave a comment if you tried any of these straitges and if they calm you down or made you feel happy inside and if you like this advice blog please tell me in the comments so I know if you guys liked them

Emma ofline 

Tuesday 7 July 2015

First Blog

hey, my name is Emma and this is my new blog. I just want to say this is my first blog I don't really know how to blog and I'm just doing this for fun anyway talk to you later.

Emma ofline