Thursday, 9 July 2015

Public speaking

Ok so I know for some people public speaking is a breeze but for others well let's just say it's not so easy. I have to do some public speaking for a thing at school and well I'm not really looking forward to it but here's some advice for you for guys if you have to public speak and is not looking forward to it 1. If you have a script just keep practising as much as you can learn it of by heart but if you have to write the speech yourself make it something short but good well you can make it as big as you want but make sure you can learn it of by heart 2. Practise in front of your family or friends just so when you have a crowd your ready 3. Don't think of all the worst things that could happen just think of the positives 4. Take your time to speak don't rush and don't stress and things will be great I'm not saying that if you follow all of these steps nothing will go wrong but these steps can help you to make sure nothing goes wrong Comment down below when you had to do public speaking and something went wrong or if it all went perfectly.

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