So basically what I mean by this its a lollypop that has a tissue around and and its meant to look like a ghost. If anyone has done this before, I'm not claiming it and I didn't search it up on the internet to see if anyone has done it before but I'm going to stop rambling and get into the post

Some lollypops
A black texta
Some string
and tissues

Step 1:
Get 2 tissues. Take one of the tissues and cut 2 small squares. then place your 2 small squares in the middle of you one tissue
Step 2:
Take a lollypop then sit it in the middle of your 2 small squares. After that stand the lollypop up and hold it with one hand

Step 3:
with one hand, hold the stick of your lollypop and with the other hand hold the tissues. Turn it upside-down so the actually lolly of the lollypop is the top. After that just fix up the parts of the tissue that doesnt sit right and then hold it with one hand
Step 4:
Now basically for this step you will need your string. Now you can do this anyway you like, this is just what work the best for me. I got a long piece of string, then tied a normal knot where my fingers where holding it. Then i cut it down quite a bit and tied another knot and after that i cut the string quite short.
Step 5:
Turn your almost finished ghost around and with your black texta put two dots for eyes and after that you are done.
Now i also made another ghost lollypop (which ill put a photo after this paragraph) and i actually think these are quite cute for kids on Halloween or for a halloween party but yeah. Also remember im not claiming the idea because someone has probably come up with this idea before.
Now i really hope you enjoyed this post, also thank you so much for reading, i cant believe this is the second last #trickortreatwithemblogs this month has actually gone crazy fast. I love you all so much, you amazing and your support is so cool but until tomorrow night, bye
Also there might possible be two blogposts tomorrow, maybe im not sure yet bye
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