Sunday 3 June 2018

Book Review: The Wave by Morton Rhue

Hey Chickens,
So tonight's blogpost is just going to be a simple book review. I finished reading this book a week ago and since I've started reading One of Us is Lying and holy shit, that is such a good back so when I finish that I will also write a review on that book but for now we are focusing on the book The Wave by Morton Rhue.

This book is based on a true story in a Californian high-school in 1969. The story is about a history class learning about Hitler and what he did in WW2. The history teacher decides to create The Wave to give his students the smallest real life idea of what Hitler was doing and as a classroom experiment. From there it goes out of control. It is a short book which I like, it was only 161 pages and the writing is like medium sized.

I really liked this book and I love the way it was written. When you think that the story actually happened and this was real life for someone, it gets kinda weird and crazy but fascinating. Everyone's brain would react differently and people would get really involved in The Wave while others thought it was a bad idea. I do suggest reading it, the book doesn't have any mature themes so it's good for all  ages but after reading this book I sat there and thought about it and how that event actually happened and yeah. I definitely recommend reading this book

These are the types of books I love, like not only the story but older books. This story was first published in 1981 and I just love older books, I also do love books from present times but older books are written differently and the language and sentence structure is different. These are the types of books I would love to read in school. The book I'm currently reading for school is so shit, like no-one in my class really likes it because it is like a love story but it has crime in it but not really. It is really hard to explain without telling you the name of the book but anyway. Another book that would be great in school is The Chocolate War or The Outsiders- that's another true story- because these books are interesting and actually make you think and you can learn something. But, you know, it's all good, I'll just read shitty and enjoyable books.

Thank-you all so much for reading this blogpost, I hope you enjoyed it. I just thought I would give you all a short blogpost to read on a Sunday night. I hope you all have a great week next week, tomorrow I might be going to Priceline so be sure to check back to my Instagram @em_blogs for a haul. Anyway, I love you all to Saturn and back but until next time, bye.

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